Re: Need Inline::Perl5 help

2017-03-05 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 03/05/2017 09:05 PM, Brock Wilcox wrote:

Looks like Term::ANSIColor does weird things with exported constants --
they are some sort of constant-function rather than simple strings. Here
is an alternate usage that does what you want:

use Inline::Perl5;
use Term::ANSIColor:from ;

my $Red   = color('red');
my $Reset = color('reset');
print ( $Red ~ "--Red--" ~ $Reset ~ "\n\n" );

You can also refer to this function with Term::ANSIColor::color(...).


Thank you!
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Re: Need Inline::Perl5 help

2017-03-05 Thread ToddAndMargo


   This is my notes on Inline::Perl5.  I hope this is useful to others.



# Inline::Perl5 test
# Reference:

use Inline::Perl5;
use Term::ANSIColor:from;

# my $Red   = Term::ANSIColor.RED;
# my $Reset = Term::ANSIColor.RESET;
my $Red   = color('red');
my $Reset = color('reset');

print "High Level method:\n";
print $Red ~ "--Red--" ~ $Reset ~ "\n\n";

print "Low Level method:\n";
my $P5Color =;
$P5Color.use( 'Term::ANSIColor' );
my $ResetColor = "RESET";
print ( $ 'Term::ANSIColor::GREEN' ) ~
"Red\n" ~
$ "Term::ANSIColor::$ResetColor" ) ~
"\n" );

my $p6str = "Perl 6 String";
my $perl5colors =;
use Term::ANSIColor qw [ BLUE RESET ];
print "p5 term with color\n" .
BLUE . "I am blue\n" .
"$p6str" . RESET . "\n\n";

print "\'run\' method:\n";
my $perl5 =;
$ ' print "Perl 5\' local time is " . localtime . "\n\n"; ' );

print "Test of return values\n";
my $RetStr =;
print ${ return ( "P5 return string\n\n" ) });