Can you all take this interesting question to StackOverflow too? Thanks!

El sáb., 5 may. 2018 a las 21:57, Sean McAfee (<>) escribió:

> On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 3:44 AM, Elizabeth Mattijsen <>
> wrote:
>> Getting back to maybe your original question: if you want the date 7 days
>> from now, you can just use integer arithmetic:
>> $ 6 'say + 7'
>> 2018-05-09
> Oh, I knew that; that was just an example.
> My actual code involved finding the date of the next Tuesday after today,
> for which I originally wrote:
>     my $next-tuesday = ( ... *.day-of-week == 2).tail;
> It bugged me a bit stylistically that the parentheses gave prominence to
> the entire sequence when all I really wanted was the final element.  So I
> played with it a big until I got:
>     my $next-tuesday = first *.day-of-week == 2, .. *;
> That's when I accidentally left off the third period and found that it
> still worked.


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