"Excursions in Number Theory" by Ogilvy and Anderson (1966):

   "Until recent years the binary system was looked upon
   as something of a mathematical curio of only
   theoretical importance.  Suddenly it has become
   indispensable, and would have had to be developed in a
   hurry had it not been ready to hand.  This has been
   the story again and again throughout the history of
   mathematics: no part of mathematics is ever, in the
   long run, 'useless.'  Most of number theory has very
   few 'practical' applications.  That does not reduce
   its importance, and if anything it enhances its
   fascination.  No one can predict when what seems to be
   a most obscure theorem may suddenly be called upon to
   play some vital and hitherto unsuspected role."

(Ten years later, Diffie-Hellman public key cryptography was published.)

The Raku Study Group

September 25, 2022  1pm in California, 9pm in the UK

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