Re: perl6's new name?

2019-08-12 Thread David Green
It’s far from obvious that playing with the name is likely to make things 
significantly better. Perl 6 has been P6 longer than Perl 5 had been P5 — or 
Perl Anything — at the time it was conceived. That’s not to say nothing should 
be done about it, but as some people have pointed out in the Github thread, 
there are important issues to be dealt with first. In the meantime, that would 
give an opportunity for anyone who is serious about the marketing side of 
things to do some actual research instead of guessing what we think might 
possibly help sort of.

> On 2019-Aug-12, at 11:57 am, Richard Hainsworth  
> wrote:
> There are is one statement in Eliza's original text that is not correct, and 
> several that are debatable.
Here’s the original text quoted from LizMat's Github issue: 

Perl 6 certainly started out as the next version of Perl 5 (hence the “6” in 
the name), and had Larry been able to see into the future, no doubt the 
marketing would have been different. And we should care about marketing, 
because Perl(s) exist in a market of programming languages, and if the product 
isn’t profitable (in a programming-language sense) then eventually there will 
by nobody left to develop and maintain it and write modules for it. Which would 
be a real shame.
But of course you’re right that there needs to be a good reason for whatever 
course of action is chosen, and I don’t see what that reason is.


Re: Could this be any more obscure?

2018-10-05 Thread David Green

On 2018-09-30 9:31 pm, ToddAndMargo wrote:
>By the way, schools have books.  Why is it do you suppose that that 
schools also have teacher?

Well, why is it, do you suppose, that hiring a tutor costs so much more 
than buying a book?

Certainly, some people learn better aurally than visually.  There are 
quite a few recorded P6 presentations around, but I don't know if 
there's a collected list anywhere, or one that links to recent talks 
(anything not too out-of-date).

>[RH] are mixing socialist political terms with what I am stating.  [...]
>I have been very clear what I am after, so I won't repeat it yet again.

The word "common" comes from Latin, and "typical" from Greek, but in 
this context they are synonyms. There's nothing political about it.  But 
it does show how easy it is for something that is clear to one person to 
be misunderstood by another. Repeating something the same way doesn't 
make it clearer (that's one of the reasons we have teachers instead of 
only books, because they can reword things and take different approaches).

There isn't any easy answer to coming up with documentation that works 
for everyone.  (You can't please all of the people all of the time.) 
Perl(5)doc is just a book, after all; but "be more like Perl 5" won't 
work, because Perl 6 is *different* from Perl 5.  Putting beginner and 
advanced docs together might end up with a mish-mash that makes nobody 
happy.  It seems likely to me that you're looking for example-based 
documentation that is organised very differently from docs.perl6.  What 
about Moritz's *Perl 6 Fundamentals*, "A Primer with Examples, Projects, 
and Case Studies"?

Is this something that better fits the way you think?


Re: bitwise paper?

2018-10-05 Thread David Green

On 2018-10-02 9:57 pm, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Does anyone know of a paper out in web land showing how to do bitwise 

Trying to AND 0010  with 0001 
$ p6 'my $v = 32 & 16; say $v;' 

If you search for "bitwise" you will find "+&":;

And sure enough, 'say 32 +& 16' will return '0'.

The other bitwise operators work likewise: almost the same as Perl 5, 
but with a "+" in front (to indicate that they are numeric operators, as 
opposed to plain "&", "|", etc., which are now junctions... and yes, 
there is for those who dare!).


P.S. Actually, the search returns:
...instead of the correct fragment: "#infix_+&"

Re: Could this be any more obscure?

2018-10-05 Thread David Green

On 2018-09-30 9:31 pm, ToddAndMargo wrote:
>By the way, schools have books.  Why is it do you suppose that that 
schools also have teacher?

Well, why is it, do you suppose, that hiring a tutor costs so much more 
than buying a book?

Certainly, some people learn better aurally than visually.  There are 
quite a few recorded P6 presentations around, but I don't know if 
there's a collected list anywhere, or one that links to recent talks 
(anything not too out-of-date).

>[RH] are mixing socialist political terms with what I am stating.  [...]
>I have been very clear what I am after, so I won't repeat it yet again.

The word "common" comes from Latin, and "typical" from Greek, but in 
this context they are synonyms. There's nothing political about it.  But 
it does show how easy it is for something that is clear to one person to 
be misunderstood by another. Repeating something the same way doesn't 
make it clearer (that's one of the reasons we have teachers instead of 
only books, because they can reword things and take different approaches).

There isn't any easy answer to coming up with documentation that works 
for everyone.  (You can't please all of the people all of the time.) 
Perl(5)doc is just a book, after all; but "be more like Perl 5" won't 
work, because Perl 6 is *different* from Perl 5.  Putting beginner and 
advanced docs together might end up with a mish-mash that makes nobody 
happy.  It seems likely to me that you're looking for example-based 
documentation that is organised very differently from docs.perl6.  What 
about Moritz's *Perl 6 Fundamentals*, "A Primer with Examples, Projects, 
and Case Studies"?

Is this something that better fits the way you think?


Re: bitwise paper?

2018-10-05 Thread David Green

On 2018-10-02 9:57 pm, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Does anyone know of a paper out in web land showing how to do bitwise 
$ p6 'my $v = 32 & 16; say $v;' 

If you search for "bitwise" you will find "+&":;

And sure enough, 'say 32 +& 16' will return '0'.

The other bitwise operators work likewise: almost the same as Perl 5, 
but with a "+" in front (to indicate that they are numeric operators, as 
opposed to plain "&", "|", etc., which are now junctions... and yes, 
there is for those who dare!).


P.S. Actually, the search returns:
...instead of the correct fragment: "#infix_+&"

Re: Could this be any more obscure?

2018-10-05 Thread David Green

On 2018-10-02 6:28 pm, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Question: in Perl syntaxland, is "postfix" short for "postcircumfix"? 

Again, search for "postcircumfix" in, and you will get this:

>>term++  postfix
>>(term)  circumfix
>>term1[term2]    postcircumfix

So it's a postfix operator and circumfix operator put together: *after* 
one term, and *around* the other term.


Re: Feedback requested on playlist of 200 Perl 6 videos

2018-10-03 Thread David Green

On 2018-10-03 5:03 pm, Ralph Mellor wrote:

I've been building a collection of P6 videos for about 5 years.
Terrific -- I was going to say this should be listed on but it is indeed there! (Dunno why I didn't 
see it before, my brain was probably expecting "presentations" or 
"videos" and scanned right past the *Screencasts* section.)


Re: Could this be any more obscure?

2018-10-02 Thread David Green

On 2018-09-30 9:31 pm, ToddAndMargo wrote:
>By the way, schools have books.  Why is it do you suppose that that 
schools also have teacher?

Well, why is it, do you suppose, that hiring a tutor costs so much more 
than buying a book?

Certainly, some people learn better aurally than visually.  There are 
quite a few recorded P6 presentations around, but I don't know if 
there's a collected list anywhere, or one that links to recent talks 
(anything not too out-of-date).

>[RH] are mixing socialist political terms with what I am stating.  [...]
>I have been very clear what I am after, so I won't repeat it yet again.

The word "common" comes from Latin, and "typical" from Greek, but in 
this context they are synonyms. There's nothing political about it.  But 
it does show how easy it is for something that is clear to one person to 
be misunderstood by another. Repeating something the same way doesn't 
make it clearer (that's one of the reasons we have teachers instead of 
only books, because they can reword things and take different approaches).

There isn't any easy answer to coming up with documentation that works 
for everyone.  (You can't please all of the people all of the time.) 
Perl(5)doc is just a book, after all; but "be more like Perl 5" won't 
work, because Perl 6 is *different* from Perl 5.  Putting beginner and 
advanced docs together might end up with a mish-mash that makes nobody 
happy.  It seems likely to me that you're looking for example-based 
documentation that is organised very differently from docs.perl6.  What 
about Moritz's *Perl 6 Fundamentals*, "A Primer with Examples, Projects, 
and Case Studies"?

Is this something that better fits the way you think?


Re: bitwise paper?

2018-10-02 Thread David Green

On 2018-10-02 9:57 pm, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Does anyone know of a paper out in web land showing how to do bitwise 

Trying to AND 0010  with 0001 
$ p6 'my $v = 32 & 16; say $v;' 

If you search for "bitwise" you will find "+&":;

And sure enough, 'say 32 +& 16' will return '0'.

The other bitwise operators work likewise: almost the same as Perl 5, 
but with a "+" in front (to indicate that they are numeric operators, as 
opposed to plain "&", "|", etc., which are now junctions... and yes, 
there is for those who dare!).


P.S. Actually, the search returns:
...instead of the correct fragment: "#infix_+&" -- is that generated 

Re: Could this be any more obscure?

2018-10-02 Thread David Green

On 2018-09-30 9:31 pm, ToddAndMargo wrote:
>By the way, schools have books.  Why is it do you suppose that that 
schools also have teacher?

Well, why is it, do you suppose, that hiring a tutor costs so much more 
than buying a book?

Certainly, some people learn better aurally than visually.  There are 
quite a few recorded P6 presentations around, but I don't know if 
there's a collected list anywhere, or one that links to recent talks 
(anything not too out-of-date).

>[RH] are mixing socialist political terms with what I am stating.  [...]
>I have been very clear what I am after, so I won't repeat it yet again.

The word "common" comes from Latin, and "typical" from Greek, but in 
this context they are synonyms. There's nothing political about it.  But 
it does show how easy it is for something that is clear to one person to 
be misunderstood by another. Repeating something the same way doesn't 
make it clearer (that's one of the reasons we have teachers instead of 
only books, because they can reword things and take different approaches).

There isn't any easy answer to coming up with documentation that works 
for everyone.  (You can't please all of the people all of the time.) 
Perl(5)doc is just a book, after all; but "be more like Perl 5" won't 
work, because Perl 6 is *different* from Perl 5.  Putting beginner and 
advanced docs together might end up with a mish-mash that makes nobody 
happy.  It seems likely to me that you're looking for example-based 
documentation that is organised very differently from docs.perl6.  What 
about Moritz's *Perl 6 Fundamentals*, "A Primer with Examples, Projects, 
and Case Studies"?

Is this something that better fits the way you think?


Re: Production Ready Perl 6?

2011-11-24 Thread David Green
Richard Hainsworth wrote:
> Five years seem an eternity in the frenetic world of dot_coms and the like. 
> But it is not a long time in other areas of human activity.

Indeed.  To quote Alan Perlis, "Some cathedrals took a century to complete. Can 
you imagine the grandeur and scope of a program that would take as long?"  Perl 
6 is nowhere near taking a century, but it is grand.  And in fact "Perl 6" is 
really three major projects, any one of which would reasonably take five years: 
the specification, the Parrot VM, and the Rakudo implementation.  But of 
course, most people are not aware of how productive the last decade has been in 
terms of the spec and Parrot, they just know it hasn't produced 

So I don't think progress has been that slow for three ambitious and mostly 
volunteer-run projects. Rakudo still has a few years to go before we can begin 
to worry about whether it will ever be "production-ready".  Some people might 
have given up on P6, but that makes up for the people who would have given up 
on a half-baked version if it had been released years ago.  If it takes 15 
years, Perl 6 is still going to be amazing, and that's why people will use it.  
For now, folks will continue to complain about the chronology; but when it 
arrives, they will care only about the amazingness.


Re: Guido’s library porting considerations

2008-03-18 Thread David Green

On 2008-Mar-18, at 1:42 am, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
[...] how is he going to tell whether the breakage is due to your  
API changes or due to his own code not being Py3k-ready?

Sounds quite well reasoned to me. Is this something that makes
sense to encourage for 5-to-6 migrations of Perl code as well?

In theory, I don't think it matters as much for P6: if you want to use  
the old API, just keep using the P5 modules with your P6 code.  My  
understanding is that Python 3's backwards-incompatibility means  
you'll need to use all Py3 stuff together.


Re: what should be the default extension?

2008-01-07 Thread David Green

On 1/7/08, Trey Harris wrote:

In a message dated Mon, 7 Jan 2008, Richard Hainsworth writes:

May I suggest the following extension to the 'use ' pragma, viz.
use  in 

Oh please, no.
The entire point of the wording currently in the synopsis is so that 
we can have platform-independent location of libraries.  The "name 
mangling capability" hypothesized lets the same C get the 
requested resource, regardless of the file (or database location!) 
where the resource is actually located on the platform running Perl.

Yes, and having a proper library-manager to take care of all those 
details will be a big improvement (e.g. Perl/Parrot can cache 
pre-compiled versions because the library will know when things 
change and need updating).  But that comes at a cost: you can't 
simply use some file you have lying about, you have to "load" it into 
the library somehow first.  So I'll run something like "plib load 
--lang=perl some/file/", which takes care of specifying the 
.  (Parrot will figure out 
the module name by looking in the module itself.)

Still, we also want a way to use arbitrary files without the overhead 
of going through the official library; something similar to the way 
Perl 5 searches the current dir (if a requested module isn't in the 
"library", which for P5 is just a list of dirs in @INC --  well, "." 
is just the last element of @INC by default, so I guess it's part of 
the "library" too).  So we do need a way to say "look in the current 
dir" or "look in this place" for bare files.  And presumably you can 
still say "use lib 'path'" in P6; but then we will need a way to 
specify how to translate the module name into a filename.

That still doesn't mean that you need to be able to specify the 
translation -- it could be predetermined, based on the OS/filesystem 
you're using (e.g. if you're running Windows, the rule might be files 
have to end in ".pm"; if you're using HFS+ on a Mac, it will look for 
a case-insensitive filename; for ISO-9660, Unicode chars might have 
to be %-encoded, etc.).  (That assumes we can always tell what FS 
we're using.)

However, that also means that the filename (however encoded) has to 
match the module name.  That's often fine, but sometimes 
inconvenient.  (E.g. the default translation policy might specify 
that the local filepath would have to be 7 subdirs deep.)  It'd be 
much nicer to be able to say something like: use 
Some::Fancy::Module::Name::Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in 

I'm not worried about platform-independence because this is something 
that typically applies when you're developing a module; once you're 
ready to deploy or distribute it, you'd probably make a package that 
officially "librarified" anything that needed to be.  Portability, 
independence, etc. are very important, but I don't think they should 
be mandatory unless you can get them for free, and library-management 
cannot be completely transparent, so there should be ways around it.

The .tar, etc., are typically named for transport, where you may 
need to know the filetype without having the benefit of its contents 
for examination.  *.pdf and *.doc are filetypes that did not exist 
until after Windows did, and so the required-extension behavior 
ossified.  The .* convention merely came about because it was a 
convenient kludge put into ls for the purpose.

To be fair, they're all "convenient kludges" -- the problem isn't 
Windows per se, the problem is filesystems that don't have a real 
place for type metadata, which includes Unix as much as DOS, er, 
Windows.  Knowing the type of a file is valuable for lots of reasons; 
it's just that in pre-GUI days, the primitive command-line interface 
obscured some of the primitiveness of the FS.

So if I choose to call my perl6 scripts *.p6 it should not matter? 
Other than for the sake of tradition or conformity with the tribe's 
sense of propriety :)
Sure, knock yourself out.  Call it ".perl6" if you like, or 
".niftynewlanguagethatisn'" (except those 
violate eight.3 rules).

If one extension is bad, then surely a dozen are worse?  So although 
technically it's not necessary (personally, I hate filename 
extensions), lots of people will be using them anyway -- we may as 
well come up with a suggested community preference rather than 
everyone coming up with something different.

And that configuration file would be a huge comb of $?OS and $?OSVER 
switches in a typical platform-independent development.  And even 
so, the whole thing would be far more brittle than the 
automatic-location system we have today, as problematic as it is 
(not very, actually...).

Yup.  Although I can't resist pointing out the that system we have 
today uses extensions.  Well, you could argue that the required ".pm" 
is a "suffix" rather than an "extension" (in the Windows sense).  I 
think a primary raison d'etre is so you can have a module "Foo" which 
is really and a directory "Foo" f