Matt Todd wrote:

> [Lots of stuff....]

General comment: It's much easier to comprehend posts in mail lists or
reading through the archives if you quote something of what you're
responding to. 

> Now, to the requirements talk: how important is the availability of
> revision history in this bare-bones wiki? 

Seems important to me, but I'm not a wiki expert. 

> What kind of authorship and administration
> would
> you (the granter or whomever, really) prefer? Every writer must have
> an account? Are there any accounts other than an administrator? I
> won't even get into admins, moderators, readers, editors, etc. 

IMHO, it's good social sanity check to require author accounts. 

> Text formatting is
> important
> (if relatively easy to hook up), but is being discussed,
> implementation-wise.

An extension of Perl6 POD would be interesting. As an option. And
maybe crazy.

> How
> about RSS feeds (which is usually more appropriate for versioned
> pages, et al, but is useful even for recently-updated pages)? 

Don't know. 

I like seeing Pugs svn commits on comp.perl6.language. Probably
doesn't scale well in the long run, but it seems to be a very good
idea to begin with.

> Do you
> want it to work with the concept of pages/topics or is there another
> way you want to represent the data? 

Seems to work well enough for documentation purposes. 

It would be very cool if the Pugs svn doc tree was mirrored in a
subsection of (the) Perl++ (Wiki), and could be {authored, edited}
through Perl++. I think that {simplification, convenience} would
greatly expand participation in generating Perl 6 documentation. 

Interesting side note: "perl++" on Google shows this link as the 3rd
hit: (

Later on, a mechanism that made it feasible for smart IDEs to find
relevant Perl 6 Cookbook descriptions in Perl++ and lift code samples
would be very cool. 

> What kind of categorization do
> you
> want to support? 

Not sure I understand question. 

> What kind of control do you want over the visual
> aspects (CSS, HTML, et al)? Did you have something in mind other
> than
> a web administration interface? 

Not at the moment.

> What kind of moderation privileges
> would you like? 

Omnipotent and clairvoyant. :-) But I'd settle for the minimum needed
to thwart religious editing wars, spamming, and so on.

> What basic actions do you want to perform for a page
> (or whatever)?

Don't know. 

How about whatever twiki does? It's perl-ish and appears to be a
pretty substantial offering:

> That's a lot to answer, I know. 

I'm sure others can provide better answers.

Just $perl6.say .... # Needs work. JAPH needs to be updated. :-)

Best regards,
Conrad Schneiker (Moved from AthenaLab to Perl
6 Wiki.) (Nano-electron-beam and micro-neutron-beam

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