Hi there,

I am trying to translate some old perl 5 code and I am having trouble with a 
particular line.

I used to have this in perl 5 to translate multibyte encoding like "%C3%A1":

$value =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;

And I have translated the regex to something like this:

$value ~~ 

So I thought I could just change the base of the matching hex bytes and pack 
them, but the pack function is not working as it did in perl 5.

I tried many things and the closest solution I came to implied using the 
"template" argument of the pack function like this:

print pack("CC", 195, 161).decode();

This produces the character "รก".

As you can see, I am adding as many "C"s as bytes there be. And I can count the 
elements in the regex match to construct the template, but I'm wondering if 
there is a better approach.

All of your comments on the matter would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


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