Ok, it all boils down to this:

===================================== a.h ======================================
#ifndef _A_H_
#define _A_H_

class A {
                int a(void);

class B : public A {
                int b(void);

#endif /* _A_H_ */

==================================== a.cpp =====================================
#include "a.h"

A::a(void) {
        return 1;

B::b(void) {
        return 2;

g++ -shared -o liba.so a.cpp

===================================== a.pl =====================================

use NativeCall;

class A is repr<CPPStruct> {
        has Pointer $.vtable;
        method a is native('./a') returns Int { * };


class B is A {
        method b is native('./a') returns Int { * };

A.new.a.say; # works
B.new.a.say; # err 1
B.new.b.say; # err 2

err 1:
Native call expected return type with CPPStruct representation, but got a 
P6opaque (B)
  in method CALL-ME at 
 (NativeCall) line 328
  in block <unit> at ./a.pl line 16

err 2:
Unknown type B used in native call.
If you want to pass a struct, be sure to use the CStruct or
CPPStruct representation.
If you want to pass an array, be sure to use the CArray type.
  in sub type_code_for at 
 (NativeCall) line 174
  in sub param_hash_for at 
 (NativeCall) line 71
  in sub param_list_for at 
 (NativeCall) line 89
  in method setup at 
 (NativeCall) line 304
  in method CALL-ME at 
 (NativeCall) line 317
  in block <unit> at ./a.pl line 17

Does it make sense to file this bug?

Thank you

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