Hello everybody.
Lets explain my problem.

Lets see the folowing perl 5 program :

my $c = "AABBCC";
my $m = "B";
$c =~ s/($m+)/XX/;
print "Chain : $1.\n";
print "Final chain : $c.\n";

Le résultat est bien celui que j'attendais :
Chain : BB.
Final chain : AAXXCC.

Lets see now Perl 6.

with a simple mach.

use v6;
my $c = "AABBCC";
my $m = "B";
$c ~~ m:c/($m+)/;
say "Chain : $0. Place : ", $/.from;

Ici aussi, le résultat est bien celui attendu :
Chain : BB. Place : 2

and the perl 5 program translated in Perl 6.

use v6;
my $c = "AABBCC";
my $m = "B";
$c ~~ s/($m+)/XX/;
say "Chain : $0.";
say "Final chain : $c.";

Oups, result is not really what I was waiting :
Chain : Any().
Final chain : AAXXCC.

The $0 var is set on a mach operation  but not in a substitute.
So that its value is "Undef"

The problem can be solved using firts a m then a s

use v6;
my $c = "AABBCC";
my $m = "B";
$c ~~ m:c/($m+)/;
$c ~~ s/($m+)/XX/;
say "Chain : $0.";
say "Final chain : $c.";

The rseult is what I was waiting :
Chain : BB.
Final chain : AAXXCC.

Where is the problem ?
Is there any solution to set the $0 var in a s operation ?


           (o o)
     +--ooO-( )-Ooo------------------------------------------+
     |              Christian Aperghis-Tramoni               |
     |                                                       |
     | Case Postale 901          Tel : (33) 04 91 82 92 49   |
     | 163 Avenue de Luminy      SFR : (33) 06 18 93 10 70   |
     | 13288 Marseille Cedex 09  Fax : (33) 04 91 82 92 75   |
     | France                    Mel : ch...@dil.univ-mrs.fr |
    /)                                 ch...@aperghis.net    (\
   / )         WEB : http://www.dil.univ-mrs.fr/~chris       ( \
  ( (+-------------------------------------------------------+) )
 ((\ \)  / )                                           / ) (/ //)
 (\\\ \_/ /                                            \ \_/ ///)
  \     /                                                \     /
print join('',map({$i=1-$i;$a=$i?10*$_."\b\b":pack"c",$a+$_+0x16}split

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