I don't have access to that ticket # on rt.perl.org.

I've opened a pull request against the perlweb github project to add
perl6-users to the list of lists.



On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 6:22 PM, James E Keenan <jk...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Information about the perl6-users mailing list/newsgroup cannot be found in
> the canonical location at lists.perl.org (link in Subject).
> I filed a bug report with perl.org (122724).  Robert directed me to this
> page: http://lists.perl.org/data.html.  This page provides a procedure by
> which a contributor can update the JSON data which generates lists.perl.org.
> Could someone who is familiar with the operations of perl6-users edit the
> JSON data and submit a patch?  (I'm attaching the json entry for
> perl6-languages as an example.)  I request this because I would like to
> change my subscription options and cannot do so if the page cannot be
> located.
> Thank you very much.
> Jim Keenan

Will "Coke" Coleda

Attachment: lists.perl6-users.json
Description: application/json

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