2012 Indonesia Focus Conference
November 9-10 (Friday and Saturday), 2012, Michigan State University
(MSU),  East Lansing, Michigan, USA


Organizers: The Indonesian Student Association (PEMIAS) Greater
Lansing and  the Asian Society for International Relations and Public
Affairs (ASIRPA) .

Sponsors: Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) in Washington DC, Indonesian
Consulate General (KJRI) in Chicago, Michigan State University, and
other organizations.

Rekan-rekan semua,

Mohon bantuannya untuk memforward email ini ke milis dan sahabat lainnya.

Kami masih menantikan kiriman abstrak makalah konferensi dari call for
paper terlampir di bawah hingga Kamis 25 Oktober 2012.  Kirimkan
pertanyaan tentang call for paper dan abstrak  makalah ke
confere...@asirpa.org <Conference/at/asirpa.org>.

Abstrak  diharapkan untuk memakai bahasa Inggris. Pengirim abstrak
TIDAK ada keharusan untuk mengirim makalah lengkap (full paper).

Penyumbang abstrak diharapkan kehadirannya saat konferensi Indonesia Focus.

Segeralah mendaftar konferensi dengan berkunjung ke


kemudian klik "Register" di bagian atas.

Pendaftaran gratis.

Silahkan mendaftar secepatnya. Jika bisa mendaftar hari ini juga
mendaftarlah segera. Jika teman-teman membawa istri, anak2 remaja dan
dewasa, teman2, mahasiswa, dll
... mohon didaftarkan satu persatu. Dengan demikian, satu keluarga
bisa mendaftar 2 orang, 5 orang, atau lebih.

Selain presentasi belasan karya ilmiah dari tanah air, Amerika, dan
negara lainnya acara ini menampilkan keynote speakers sbb:

1. H.E. Mr. Imron Cotan
Indonesian Ambassador to People’s Republic of China and concurrently
to Mongolia.

2.  Prof.Dr. Ir. Yonny Koesmaryono, MS
Vice Rector of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).

3. Prof. Dr. Bustanul Arifin
Senior Economist, the Institute for Development of Economics and
Finance (INDEF), Indonesia.

4.  Satya W. Yudha MSc.
Member of Commission VII (Energy, Mineral Resources; Environmental,
Research & Technology), The House of Representatives (DPR) of the
Republic of Indonesia

5. Tjatur Sapto Edy, MSc.
Vice Chairman,  Commission III (Legal affairs and laws including
"Pemberantasan Korupsi", human rights
and defense) , The House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia.

Beberapa acara lainnya selama konferensi:

1. Penyediaan jasa konsular/pasport dari  KJRI Chicago.
Untuk mendapat penjelasan dokumen yang perlu di bawa, silahkan merujuk
ke http://www.kemlu.go.id/chicago/Pages/default.aspx
Jangan lupa membawa amplop pengembalian dokumen dan mailing label.

2.  PERMIAS Greater Lansing akan mempersembahkan acara
budaya yaitu Indonesian Culture Night.

3. Pertemuan PERMIAS se USA.

Walaupun tidak dipungut acara untuk mengikuti Indonesia Focus (IF)
Conference, setiap peserta bertanggung jawab atas biaya makan,
transportasi dan penginapan. Makanan cukup murah tersedia disekitar
kampus Michigan State University (MSU).

Untuk peserta dari Indonesia, beberapa mahasiswa MSU bersedia
ditempati apartemennya secara gratis selama konferensi. Untuk peserta
dari USA teresedia hotel dengan biaya $60 an hingga $90 an per kamar
per malam. Seandainya berminat untuk menginap gratis ataupun di hotel,
silahkan hubungi Bapak "Mujiburohman" <mjbr...@yahoo.com>

Untuk mengetahui perkembangan acara ini, silahkan bergabung dengan
milis utama ASIRPA dengan mengirim email ke



Supaya cepat diterima keanggotaannya, lebih dianjurkan untuk mendaftar
milis melalui web site:


dan mohon menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia ketika mendaftar melalui web site:

Nama: ______________ Nama kota: ____________ Alasan Subscribe: _________________

Jabat erat,

Ahmad Syamil
Associate Professor
Arkansas State University



2012 Indonesia Focus Conference
November 9-10, 2012, Michigan State University (MSU),  East Lansing,
Michigan, USA



"Embracing innovative art, science and technology in supporting the
acceleration of Indonesian development"

Background and Theme

PERMIAS  Greater Lansing and the Asian Society for International
Relations and Public Affairs
(ASIRPA) http://www.asirpa.org/ invites the submission of papers for
the 2012 Indonesia Focus
Conference. The conference accepts academic papers and
business plans/ideas. Faculty members,
researchers, business people, or anyone interested in this conference
are all invited.

The theme of this year's conference is "Embracing innovative art,
science and technology in supporting the acceleration of Indonesian

The conference invites individuals or organizations to present papers
and business plans on the basis of research that address topics within
the theme of supporting Indonesia’s development. The papers should
address some issues pertaining to the multidimensional aspects of
Indonesia’s development, such as food, water, energy, and human
welfare to name a few, and can include a wide variety of topics within
the fields of arts and humanities, natural and social science, and
technology. Topics surrounding innovative strategies and methods that
can contribute to the improvement of Indonesia-US relationships and
Indonesian education system are highly encouraged

The conference provides a forum where broad ideas of how to help
Indonesia fare well in the globalized economy are exchanged and
discussed. It is expected that the meeting would inspire attendees with
regard to the potential roles they may want to play in this globalized
world. The conference also provides a forum for entrepreneurs to
showcase their business ideas, plans, and products to Indonesian and
international audience. We hope that the meeting would motivate, and
even initiate further business cooperation among Indonesians, Americans,
and international participants.

For the business plan/ideas presentation, the conference accepts any
types of proposed business plan, provided that the business is legal.

Please submit the abstract  of the paper or
business plan to the conference organizers at confere...@asirpa.org
Send your questions call for paper to that address.

For registration and updates on the 2012 Indonesia Focus Conference,
please visit the ASIRPA Indonesia Focus Conference website
  • Abstrak diterima hingga 25 Oktober - Indonesia Focus (IF) ... AHMAD SYAMIL

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