Nasib-nasib, kalau memang tinggal di negara orang, apalagi negara orang
itu merasa negaranya superior. Kita yang tampang kecil-kecil, gelap,
kuning, kriting, sipit dan nama berbau aneh-aneh tentu akan dipandang
mata, apalagi sama tuh bule-bule pirang yang perawakannya tinggi-tinggi.
pernah dengar seorang indonesia yang ditahan selama beberapa hari di
LA airport hanya karena bernama belakang Abdullah? Atau dibilang hanya
akan berhura-hura selama sekolah di amrik di Airport Boston.

Makanya, mari kita benahi rumah tempat kita tinggal (Tanah Air), mari
kita buat senyaman mungkin, agar enak ditempati saat kita pulang kembali,
daripada tinggal di negeri orang, numpang terus perasaannya, eh masih aja
dipandang sebagai warga kelas dua, walau sudah membayar pajak ke IRS dan
sudah dapat Green Card sepuluh tahun lalu.

yah terserah dewek kalau memang mau kawin sama bulek, dapat
kewarganegaraan otomatis...itu juga kalau suami atau istrinya baik, tapi
kalau dapat mertue rasis (redneck ?) payah juga....

walau di pasport agama tertulis agama Kristen (Protestan lagi) mana mau
si mata Biru Londo memperhatikannya...karena sudah melihat bayangan
tampang asia begini.....dikiraiin hanya ke amerika untuk tinggal di
negeri uncle sam, berat-beratin mereka punya pajak, nambah-nambahin
asian restaurant.

walau sudah lama tinggal di amrik, makan dan beol (sorry) berbau keju dan
susu, namun tetap aja tuh mulut berair ketika melihat atau mencium bau
terasi...bukannya ane mau sok-sok an nasionalis...namun siapa lagi yang
mau nerime ane di negeri londo bule ini....walau negara ane juga rasialis
(kadang lebih ngedongkolin, apalagi kalau diperlakukan sebagai warga
kelas dua di negara yang kita telah akui sebagai negara sendiri, dari
lahir coba!) namun pikiran kedepan, semoga warna-warna rasialis ini dapat
dihilangkan, juga para pemimpin-pemimpin yang rasialis di negara kite...

ente-ente pada nyate ya.....ane bukannya mau ngetawaaiin ente-ente yang
merasa AMERIKA adalah segalanya, contoh: pengen minta warga negara, kawin
sama warga negara, minta green card atau udah dapat
ane cuman mau nenangin hati yang lagi galau karena keadaan di tanah air
dan application green card ane yang engga pernah keterima... :)
salam permias@,

andrew pattiwael

On Sat, 20 Mar 1999, Yohanes Sulaiman wrote:

> C h i n a N e w s D i g e s t
> March 20, 1999
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  "He Was Treating Me Like a Criminal"
> -- A Chinese Canadian's Experience at Detroit Airport ...............
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Forwarded by Bing WEN, 03/99
> (Zheng Anderson, an Ottawa lawyer, tells story about being manhandled by a
> U.S. immigration agent while waiting for a flight at Detroit International
> Airport.)
> I was exhausted from the 13-hour flight from Beijing and time was running
> out for me to catch my connecting flight at Detroit International Airport.
> The line-ups at the immigration counter were incredibly long. It was March
> 7. Northwest 088 was scheduled to depart at noon and it was now after 11
> a.m.
> I kept looking at my watch. I was the 12th person in line but it wasn't
> moving. I was getting more and more worried. There were so many people in
> line. It was taking a long time for them to be processed because they were
> mostly Chinese visitors who didn't understand English.
> I thought I was going to miss my flight back to Ottawa so I turned to the
> authorities for help. A few feet away I spotted a U.S. immigration officer
> who was patrolling the floor. I told him the line was rather slow.
> That is when my nightmare began. It was horrible.
> He said: "So what." I was really surprised that he spoke like that because
> he was a representative of the U.S. government.
> I remained calm. His shoulders came forward and he was right in my face,
> shouting: "What do you want me to do?" I couldn't understand what was
> going on. I couldn't believe it. I asked him if they could open another
> line. He said: "With what?"
> I was turning to this person for help and now he was treating me like a
> criminal.
> He came at me with such speed and power. He grabbed my passport and my
> flight tickets and dragged me out of line.
> He broke my thumb and it was covered in blood. I started screaming. I had
> to yell to get help. He told me I could be arrested if I kept it up. I
> asked him on what grounds. He said for "a crime" and for arguing with him.
> He kept threatening me and said I could be detained for the rest of the
> day. I kept telling him I was a Canadian citizen and had a connecting
> flight to catch but he kept dragging me.
> I'm 5-foot 10 and used to be a professional basketball player in Beijing.
> I don't cry very easily but I was shaking.
> I was so scared.
> He probably never expected someone with a Chinese face to speak back to
> him. He was probably so used to treating people that way because the
> Chinese are known for reacting with modesty and a smile.
> He dragged me to a room and told me to stay put. I asked if I could speak
> to the supervisor. He said he was the supervisor. I thought he was going
> to hit me. He pointed to the corner and told me to take a seat.
> Everything was happening so fast. I was just trying to gather all of the
> information in my brain.
> Another officer came over and said he would handle everything. He said he
> was going to check it out. I asked to see his name tag because he had my
> passport.
> I paced the room for about 10 minutes. I considered this an illegal
> detainment and prepared myself that they would do something worse to me. I
> didn't know how long I'd be there because they told me nothing.
> I was thinking about my daughter the whole time. She has Chinese features
> and I figured that if I didn't fight back she will suffer in the future. I
> had never felt racism before.
> He came back into the room and asked me to follow him. He led me to the
> back of the longest line at the immigration counter, handed over my
> papers, and told me not to make any trouble.
> It was as if they were trying to teach me a lesson.
> The other officer was standing by a pay phone keeping an eye on me. I
> stood in line but it wasn't moving so I stepped out. I didn't want to give
> them an excuse to arrest me so I just stood there. I thought I'd
> definitely miss my flight.
> Moments later, the other officer waved me over to an empty counter,
> glanced at my papers and said I could go through. I showed him my left
> thumb and told him that his colleague had broken it. He used the public
> address system and called for his supervisor.
> He took me back to the same room where I had been detained. The supervisor
> came out and I told him he broke my finger. He denied it, turned his back
> to me and walked away. They gave me back my ticket and passport and the
> supervisor said: "Sue me."
> I told them I was a lawyer and it wouldn't be hard to do. I walked away to
> find gate G-10. I was so angry and I had to phone my husband. I telephoned
> him collect and told him to contact (Foreign) Affairs.
> The tears were running down my face. I couldn't believe that such a thing
> happened to me.
> My plane ended up being delayed until 1:15 p.m., so I caught it.
> I have lived in Canada for 14 years and have been a citizen for the past
> nine. I have treated Canada as my home.
> Maybe what happened to me is a sign that despite all the hard work I have
> done to contribute to my community and my country, that I am still
> regarded as Chinese and that this treatment can come at any time.
> I want everyone to know about this story so they can watch out and be
> warned about this bad dog at the door.
> It was traumatic. I couldn't sleep for two nights. What gives him the
> right to treat me like that?
> I would have never been treated like that if I had a white face.
> It would be very easy not to fight back and just forget about what
> happened but I can't. I was assaulted physically and mentally.
> This story must be told so that this doesn't happen to someone else.
> (Zheng Anderson has since filed a detailed complaint with Foreign Affairs
> and is calling on U.S. authorities to investigate the incident. She is
> also demanding an apology.)
> The folkish state must make up for what everyone else today has neglected....
> the folkish philosophy of life must succeeded in bringing about that nobler
> age in
> which men no longer are concerned with breeding dogs, horses, and cats, but
> in elevating himself, an age in which the one knowingly and silently
> renounces, the other joyfully sacrifices and gives...
>           "Mein Kampf"
>           by Adolf Hitler

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