The word "I can't!" can cause more damage to your life than you can
Do you frequently use it? did you learn, when you were very young,
that by screaming, "I can't" at the top of your voice you could manage
to avoid most things that appeared to be unpleasant like eating spinach?

It stil works, doesn't it? How many tasks and challenges and
opportunities have you managed to brush aside, in the past five years
or ten just by saying "I Can't"?

Remember, "your only limitations are those you set up in your own
mind, or permit others to set up for you!"  Free yourself from the
chains impose by the word "I Can't" and you will be able to achieve
any height you desire.  You can do anything if you believe you can!!!
Og Mandino says that the most powerful forces in the world is the will
of the man who believes in himself, who dares to aim high, to go
confidently after the things that he wants in his life.

Here is a little story of the powerful results of not using the word
"I Can't!"
When World War II ended, Jay and Richard come home convinced that  the
aviation business was the hot item of the future.  They had visions of
airplanes in every garage in America and millions of people learning
how to fly.  So they decided to go into the Aviation business.

They had a few hundred dollars, bought a little Piper Cub airplane and
got ready to open an aviation school.  There was one miner problem:
neither of them knew how to fly an airplane.!

But they did not let that stop them! They simply hired experienced
pilots to give the flying lessons, while they stayed busy with the
work of selling those lessons to the public.  The point is that they
had decided to operate a flying service, and they refused to let
anything dampen their enthusiasm - not even a small detail like not
knowing how to fly.

Then they came across another problem.  They discovered that the
runways at the little airport had not been completed yet.  They were
stil nothing but giant streaks of mud. They improvised.
A river run alongside the airport, so we bought some floats for our
Piper Cub and flew right off the water, taking off and landing on
those bloated pontoon floats.

Then another problem: they were supposed to have offices there at the
little airstrip, but the time came to open their business and the
offices were still not built.  Something had to be done. A chicken
coop was bought from a farmer down the road, hauled over to the
airstrip, white washed, a padlock put on the door, and a sign hung
that read Wolverine Air Service.  They had set out to get into the
aviatio business and they were in it.

In the end, they managed to build a thriving business, bought a dozen
airplanes, and eventually had one of the biggest aviation services in
town. But they made it only because they felt in their bones that they
could do it and did it, despite those early roadblocks.

If they had launched the project halfheartedly, not quite believing in
it, they would have found many excuses to lie down and quit.  The fist
plane would never have made the first flight.  If they had listened to
all the logical arguments against their air service in those days,
they would have never have attempted it and give up before they started.

So give your dreams a chance to happen by refusing to use the word "I
Can't"  It is impossible to win the race unless you venture to run,
impossible to win the victory unless you dare to battle.


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