Ini 2 berita lama dan baru. Yang lama lumayan buat mengingat lagi siapa-siapa
itu Forkot, Famred, dll. Berita yg baru ya tentang pernyataan forkot baru-baru ini.

who is who is the JAKARTA mass mobilisations

Forum Kota - City Forum (FORKOT) a cross campus activist coalition that was
established in May this year and was one of the two student coalitions that organised
the occupation of the parliament in May. It includes supporters of Megawati but also
activists, for example, from the  more radical nationalist Murba Party. Its strongest 
is on the Christian University of Indonesia (UKI). It has no base on the University of
Indonesia. The PRD also has a presence in FORKOT. They are united in an anti-
militarist framework. Many FORKOT students are hostile to Amien Rais. Along with
the PRD, FORKOT has been aattacked by rightist groups as communist. Front Aksi
Mahasiswa untuk Reformasi Damai - Student Action Front for Peaceful Reformation
(FAMRED) FAMRED broke away from FORKOT and is based on a large number of
smaller campuses. It has a radical anti-militaristy orientation. Young activists from
the Nahdatul Ulama, influenced by liberation theology style moslem thinking, are
influential in this group. Forum Kommunikasi Senat Mahasiswa Jakarta - Jakarta
Student Senate Communication Forum (FKSMJ). This has been the most moderate
student group, led by students who had been operating within the formal student
"representative" institutions established by the regime a fgew years ago. They have
been gradually radicalised and have now adopted the demand for an end to the
military's role in politics. They also demand the formation of a governmental 

Komite Mahasiswa and Rakyat anti Dwifungsi ABRI - Student and Peoples Committee
against the Dual Role of the Armed Forces (KOMRAD). KOMRAD is a militant student
organisation with both an anti-militarist and anti-capitalist platform. It is under 
the political
influence of the PRD but has non PRD members.

Komite Buruh untuk Aksi Reformasi - Workers Committee for Reformation Action. KOBAR
is a worker student formation formed after May by students radicalised at the 
of Indonesia. It now has a strong worker base in factories in Tanegrang industrial area
outside Jakarta, North Jakarta and the city of Bogor outside Jakarta. Since May it has
organised several worker mobilisations that have been violently suppressed by the 
Komite Penduklung Megawati - Megawati Supporters Committee (KPM is mainly an
urban poor based organisation of militant supporters of Megawati Sukarnoputri.
Increasingly disenchanted with Megawati's moderate politics, they formed their  own
organisation in several cities. KPM includes people with a clear leftist orientation.

Forum Bersama - Joint Forum (FORBES). This is the organisation with the smallest
activist base. It is under the influence of the political groups PIJAR and ALDERA, some
of whose members have already joined the so-called moderate parties, such as Amien
Rais's National Mandate Party. In addition to these more organised forces, many single
campus based groups mobilised for actions on November 12 and 13, including students
from Triskti University, where three students were shot dead in May.

Subject: Pernyataan Forkot

Sejak aksi kami tanggal 21 Mei 1999, bertubi - tubi berita di televisi
yang datang dari aparat yang berlomba-lomba membusukan organ FORKOT (
Forum Kota ). Kami sering mengalami cara-cara rezim yang terbiasa untuk
melakukan pembusukan. Intimidasi seperti ini adalah cara lama. Mungkin
kita masih ingat salah satu pembusukannya yaitu; Isu sekitar bulan
Desember 1998, Kapolri menangkap adanya latihan demo yang dilakukan
mahasiswa dengan senjata ketapel. Beliau membawa bukti ketapel, tapi
nyatanya hingga kin i beliau tidak pernah memperlihatkan orang yang
mempergunakan ketapel itu. Isu ini sengaja untuk menjatuhkan gerakan
mahasiswa. Sekarang Berita di media TV tercatat mulai 2I Mei ada empat
pernyataan dari pihak Polri, yaitu:

1. Isu bahwa aksi 21 Mei adalah upaya memboikot pemilu. Aksi itu hanya
ingin mengingatkan Habibie bahwa setahun lamanya Soeharto tidak bisa
dijamah juga oleh hukum di negara hukum ini.

2. Isu adanya provokator (dari mahasiswa) dalam barisan aparat pada saat
itu yang menyuruh untuk melakukan sweeping. Padahal saat itu ada lemparan
botol dari blokade aparat yang mengakibatkan terjadinya bentrokan.

3. Isu adanya intel dari mahasiswa untuk mengetahui pasukan TNI yang
bertugas di lapangan. Padahal kamilah yang sering dimata-matai.

4. Adanya bendera Forkot dalam massa kampanye PDI Perjuangan (23 Mei)
kemarin. Pembawa bendera Forkot dituduh melakukan provokasi. Bagaimana
mungkin kami turun melakukan kampanye padahal kami nyata tidak mempercayai
pemilu ini.

Pembusukan yang aparat lakukan tidak pernah masuk akal sehat. Sebenarnya
trik mereka adalah bumerang.


--> I disapprove of what you say, but I will
    defend to death your right to say it. - Voltaire

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FNU Brawijaya
Dept of Civil Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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