Adri Amiruddin

: From: Eriyawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: To: Milis Envorum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Subject: [envorum] Fw: [Fwd: 1999 START Young Scientist Award Program]
: Date: 14 Januari 1999 13:24
: -----Original Message-----
: From: Amanda Katili-Niode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Date: Thursday, January 14, 1999 11:32 AM
: Subject: [Fwd: 1999 START Young Scientist Award Program]
: Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 10:59:06 -0500
: Subject: 1999 START Young Scientist Award Program
: >
: >Dear Colleagues,
: >
: >The next (1999) round for the above award programme has just been
: announced
: >-- and the call for nominations and applications put forth.  I attach the
: >announcement to this message both as attachement and part of the body
: >below, and would appreciate if you could circulate this through your
: >networks.  Perhaps you know of a promising young social scientist who has
: >published articles, whom you would like to nominate.  Any interested
: >scientist can apply directly or through a nominating person/organisation.
: >
: >The deadline date for nominations and applications is April 1, 1999.  In
: >the past this award has been given (due to applications received)
: >primarilly to natural and physical scientists -- and START and the IHDP
: >would especially like to encourage the application of younger social
: >scientists, and Human Dimensions researchers in the field.  Please note
: >that applicants from Latin America are not eligible, as the award covers
: >START regions only (Africa, Asia and Oceania).
: >
: >with best wishes,
: >Ramine
: >
: >***********************************************
: >International Human Dimensions Programme
: >     on Global Environmental Change
: >..................................................................
: >Ms. Ramine V. Shaw
: >International Science Project Co-ordinator
: >..........................................
: >Walter-Flex-Str. 3
: >53113 Bonn
: >Germany
: >Fon:   +49-(0)228/739050
: >Fax:    +49-(0)228/739054
: >Web:
: >      *************************************
: >
: >
: >
: >START Young Scientist Award Program
: >
: >
: >     To recognize the achievements of outstanding young scientists from
: >Africa, Asia and Oceania, the International START Secretariat is
: requesting
: >nominations for the START Young Scientist Award Program.  Award decisions
: >will be based on a journal article published by the young scientist
: >(preferably in English).  In keeping with START's mission of conducting
: >research on regional aspects of global change, the article should focus on
: >some aspect of global change research that is being conducted on a
: regional
: >level or has a strong regional focus.
: >
: >     Awards, which include an honorarium, will be made to scientists from
: >developing countries in each of the START regions: Africa, South Asia,
: >Southeast Asia, East Asia and Oceania.  Award announcements are expected
: to
: >be made in June 1999.
: >
: >     Applicants for the START Young Scientist Awards must be 40 years of
: >age or younger.  In the case of multi-authored articles, the applicant
: >should be the lead author of the article.  The article should have been
: >published within the last two years.
: >
: >     Recipients of START Fellowship/Visiting Scientist Awards are strongly
: >encouraged to submit articles they may have published based on research
: >conducted with START support.
: >
: >     Articles will be reviewed by the respective START Regional
: >Centers/Secretariats and by a special review committee.  Applicants or
: >nominators should submit the journal article and a brief biography to:
: >
: >Ms. Amy Freise, Program Associate
: >     International START Secretariat
: >     2000 Florida Avenue, NW, Suite 200
: >     Washington, DC 20009  USA
: >     Phone:    (+1-202) 462-2213
: >     Fax:           (+1-202) 457-5859
: >     E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: >
: >The deadline for submission of nominations/applications  is April 1, 1999.
: >
: >
: >
: >
: >
: >Content-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: >Content-type: application/octet-stream;
: >    name="1999 Award.doc"
: >Content-disposition: inline
: >
: >Attachment Converted: c:\windows\winapps\eudora\attach\1999Awar.doc
: >
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