----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 9:09 AM
Subject: [IMAAMNet] Segala macam cerita ttg INS Registrasi

Saya dapat beberapa cerita dari Lawyer ttg INS registration yg sudah
dilaksanakan.Semoga berguna

wassalam,Dwitra Zaky
Date:  Fri Jan 24, 2003  10:32 am
Subject:  Re: [INS-Registration] Charlotte, NC
hi aamy

i emailed this note to you last week. perhaps you
didn't get it? well, here it is again:

Elizabeth R. Edwards reported on 1/9/03 about INS DO
Charlotte, North Carolina, that if the
registrant has a pending I-485 that can be verified in
the computer and there is no fraud or criminal issues,
the individual will not be placed in proceedings or
detained. If the I-485 is newly filed and therefore
is not in the system and no receipt has been issued,
there is a much greater likelihood the individual will
be detailed and given an NTA. If an individual is out
of status (whether they are 245(i) eligible or not)
they will be given an NTA when they register. They
may or may not be detained. INS DO stated late
registrants will be detained, even if they are in
valid nonimmigrant status, unless they can produce
credible circumstances as to why they failed to
register before the deadline.

Karl Krooth
From:  "Jason Erb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Fri Jan 24, 2003  4:40 am
Subject:  Lawyers - Sample cases

Thanks to those who've responded to my earlier posting.

Here are the examples of attorney's not being allowed to accompany
their clients all the way through to investigations from the AILA
office-by-office report.  Most seem to have occurred early in the
process, and often rectified.  A couple of centers may still be
problematic, such as New York, Denver, Bloomington, MN and Dulles.

Arlington/Dulles, VA

People attempting to register in Arlington are often told to go to
Dulles airport. At Dulles, attorneys are not being allowed in the
interview "because it is a secured area", and are told to go back to
Arlington if they wish to have representation during the interview.

Baltimore, MD

Early on, attorneys were being barred from clients' interviews. Also
was not marking I-94 cards of those who appeared.

Bloomington, MN

Three registrants taken into custody on 12/5. One had 245(i)-based
adjustment pending and two were married to U.S. citizens with long-
pending petitions. Handcuffed and separated from attorney. 
Threatened to set $10,000 bond, but eventually released on own
recognizance at the end of the day.

Boston, MA

Early on, attorneys were allowed in interviews, but told that they
could not say anything or participate in any way.  Now full
representation is being allowed.

Denver, CO

Client questioned without attorney present even though attorney had
accompanied individual and was temporarily barred from the interview.

New Orleans, LA

Registrant denied right to counsel on 12/18.  Office now made aware
by attorney that there is a right to counsel in call-in registration.

New York, NY

Most registrants are questioned on the 3d floor, but those taken to
Investigations are not allowed to have their attorneys with them.

Oklahoma City, OK

Attorney barred from interview.

San Antonio, TX

After some discussion about attorney being present (the officer said
no, but after attorney reminded her that it was the law, she
consulted with her supervisor, and attorney was allowed to remain
with him)… Attorney also believes that the fact that an attorney was
with him, and that he had possible relief, made a huge difference.
Attorney believes if he hadn't been there, the scenario may have
been different because they would have simply held him over the
weekend and processed him on Monday, 1/13.

Jason Erb

Council on American-Islamic Relations

Director, Governmental Relations

453 New Jersey Ave., SE

Washington, DC 20003

phone:  202-488-8787

fax:       202-488-0833



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