Diperkirakan sebagai pelaku Pemboman Mesjid Istiqlal, 
oleh Kepolisian Republik Indonesia di Jakarta kemarin.
Yang pasti, keinginan mereka untuk mengkambing hitamkan 
non-muslim tidak dapat diteruskan, sebaliknya dapat terbuka
mata dan pikiran seluruh bangsa terutama kaum muslim
bahwa musuh bisa saja dari bawah selimut atau bahkan 
dari golongan sendiri. Semoga masyarakat di Ujung Pandang
bisa lebih bersikap dewasa dalam bertindak.

Andrew Pattiwael

APR 23 1999

 Bombing linked to Islamic group

 JAKARTA -- Preliminary police
 investigations showed that the
 Monday bombing of the Istiqlal
 Mosque here was linked to a group
 calling itself the Mujahidin Islam
 Nunsantara Movement, police said

 Jakarta district police chief
 Major-General Nugroho Djajusman
 said it had been determined that 13
 people in its custody were from the
 group which was based in Bogor, not
 far from here.

 The 13 were detained in connection
 with the bombing of the Plaza Hayam
 Wuruk shopping complex in Jakarta
 South last Thursday.

 The bomb used in the mosque
 incident was the same as that used
 at the plaza, Maj-Gen Nugroho said,
 adding that police were looking for
 the leader of the group, Usman Amir,
 40. Usman's photograph was
 distributed to the media here in an
 effort to locate him.

 Besides the Hayam Muruk and
 Istiqlal, the extremist group was also
 said to be planning to bomb several
 other targets.

 Maj-Gen Nugroho said police
 identified one of the accused in the
 Istiqlal case from information
 provided by witnesses.

 The explosion ripped apart several
 offices on the ground floor of the
 mosque and injured several people.

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