"Full or partial Scholarships are available for both US and
International students and are based on individual needs."

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University

Ikutilah Survei Daya Saing Indonesia untuk orang yang tinggal di
Indonesia dan memiliki pekerjaan tetap (full time):


From: Academy of International Business List []
On Behalf Of
Subject: [AIB-L] Opportunity For Senior and Junior Business Management

Dear Colleagues,
            Please announce this opportunity to your Senior and Junior
Business Management students. We have been able to extend the deadline
for applications to May 1 2009. Sincerely 
A. Y. Zohny, LL. M., Ph.D.
Academic Director
International Business and Trade
Kogod School of Business 
American University
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016-8083
work- 202-895-4916
cell- 202-280-0956

American University's Kogod School of Business - Washington Semester
Program is inviting junior and senior undergraduate students majoring in
Business Management from around the world to apply for the prestigious
sixty year old program of experiential learning in International
Business and Trade starting August 2009. The fall of 2009 experience is
particularly unique: students will have the opportunity to interact with
the newly elected president's economic team in the White House, State
Department, Treasury Department, Commerce Department, US- Trade
Representatives, Federal Reserve Board and US Export Import Bank.
Elected representatives of important committees in the United State
Congress and senior officials of International Development organizations
such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Inter-American
Development Bank are also included in this program. In addition,
students will have the opportunity to meet and interact with
representatives of Fortune 500 Multinational Corporations, and lobbyists
of Trade Blocks from around the globe, strategically positioned in the
Washington Metropolitan area. Business students may undertake an
internship in a profit or non-profit organizations and acquire hands-on
knowledge and experience in US businesses and complete either an
intensive research project or an elective from regular university course
offerings (total of 15 credits). For three days of each week, students
will participate in intellectual discussions with major players in US
business and those who shape world trade policies. For further
information about the Washington Semester Program, please visit  

            Due to an overwhelming demand to attend this program, and
the program's limited space, Washington Semester will accept no more
than 75 students. Students are selected through the following
competitive criteria: academic aptitude, English language proficiency
and a well-developed career plan in international business and trade or
closely related field. Full or partial Scholarships are available for
both US and International students and are based on individual needs.

            Application Deadline is May 1, 2009. For further information

            A. Y. Zohny, LL. M, PhD
            Academic Director of International Business and Trade
            American University, Kogod School of Business
            Washington Semester Program, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW,
Washington, DC
            Phone: 202-895-4916 Fax: 202-895-4939 E-mail: 

American University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action
University and employer. 

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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