Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih  untuk KBRI dan KJRI Houston atas bantuannya dalam menyukseskan 
acara ini
Kami mengundang teman-teman untuk menghadiri acara konferensi gratis di bawah.
Acara ini terbuka untuk siapapun tanpa memandang suku, agama, dan latar 
belakang organisasi.
Mohon bantuannya untuk memforward undangan acara di bawah ke milis dan rekan 
Terima kasih.

Jabat erat,

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University <> 
LinkedIn networking for professionals: <> 
================= ========================== 


Organizing Committee for the 2008 Indonesia Focus Conference:


Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Society of North America (ICMI)          
Nahdlatul Ulama Community of North America

Muhammadiyah Special Branch of the United States          Educational Network 
of North America

Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs (ASIRPA)


The 2008 Indonesia Focus Annual Conference




     Friday, December 26, 2008

Westchase Ballroom

Hilton Houston Westchase Hotel

9999 Westheimer Road, 
Houston, Texas 77042 
Tel: 1-713-974-1000   Fax: 1-713-974-6866 



9:00 - 9:25 a.m.         Registration, Westchase Ballroom

9:30 - 9:40 a.m.         Opening Conference

                        Welcome by Kustim Wibowo, Program Co-Chair

                        Introduction to Opening Speaker, Dharma Pohan

Opening Speaker:

9:40 - 10.00 a.m.        Mr. Kria Fahmi Pasaribu, S.H. Consulate General of the 
Republic of Indonesia, Houston, Texas


Keynote Speakers:

Moderator:                Kustim Wibowo

10:00 - 10:30 a.m.     Mr. Kria Fahmi Pasaribu, S.H. Consulate General of the 
Republic of Indonesia, Houston, Texas

10:30 - 11:00 a.m.     The Impact of Crisis to the Indonesian Economy:  
Challenges and Opportunities

Dr. Fadhil Hasan, Senior Economist at the Institute for Development of 
Economics and Finance (INDEF), Jakarta, Indonesia


11:00 - 11:10 a.m.     Coffee Break I 


11:10 - 13:00 p.m      Session I

Moderator:                Joko Supriyanto and Zulfan Efendi


1.      Exploitation of Mature Oil Fields: Reservoir Engineering Perspective, 
Asnul Bahar

2.      Reservoir Management, What it Is?, Ipung Yuwono

3.      Oil vs. Tsunami:  Structural Change in Aceh's Inflation, Saiful Mahdi 

4.      Aceh's Electricity: Crisis in the Middle of Abundant Energy Resources, 
Dian Rubianty

5.      The Progressive vs. Puritan Debates in Muhammadiyah, Ahmad Najib Burhani

6.      An Anomie's Anatomy on the Emergence of Terrorism in Indonesia, Munajat

7.      Allowable numbers of political parties for Indonesia, Yusmin Alim

8.      Multiregional Government to Speed up Developing Indonesia, Yusmin Alim



13:00 - 14:15 p.m      Friday prayer and Lunch at the Consulate General of the 
Republic of Indonesia Office


14:30 - 15:30 p.m      Session II

Moderator:                Ahmad Syamil dan Joko Sumiyanto


1.      Employee Satisfaction Measurement, Aisyah Larasati 

2.      Logistic Transportation, Teguh Srijayamerta

3.      Understanding the Oxidative Mechanism of Stable Aqueous Fullerene 
Colloidal Suspensions, Befrika Murdianti, Josh Damron, Ahmad Al-Far, Satish 
Kuriyavar and Kevin Ausman 

4.      Harnessing Genomic to Access Biodeversity and Chemodiversity of 
Indonesia Natural Resources for Drug Discovery, Nur Kasanah

5.      Structural Determination of Folate Receptor, Ardian Soca Wibowo

6.      Detection of Deterioration of a Damage Reinforced Concrete Structures, 
Joko Sumiyanto 


15:30 - 15:40 p.m.     Coffee Break II 


15:40 - 18:40 p.m.     Interfaith Panel and Discussion

Moderator:                Nurhidajat Sisworahardjo and Dharma Pohan



Muslim           Dr. Alp Aslandogan, President of Institute of Interfaith 
Dialog, Houston 

Christian        Dr. L. James (Jim) Bankston, Senior Minister, St. Paul's 
United Methodist       

                        Church, Houston 

Jew                 Mr. Rabbi Brian Strauss, Congregation Beth Yeshurun, 


Certificate and Souvenir Presentation:       Kustim Wibowo


18:40 - 19:00 p.m.     Maghrib prayer and Dinner at the Hilton Houston 
Westchase Hotel


19:00 - 20:00 p.m      Session III

Moderator:                Asnul Bahar and Ipung Yuwono


1.      Revolutioning Supply Chain Through Implementing Electronic Product Code 
(EPC), Siti Mardiana 

2.      Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Why?, Joko Supriyanto

3.      Managing Successful New Product Development Practices, Ahmad Syamil

4.      Excess Global Information Systems Capacity: Opportunities and 
Challenges, Kustim Wibowo


Closing Remark:       Kustim Wibowo

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