We have created the Persian-Iranian keymap file for Vim based on Persian 
Standard Keyboard Layout.

As utf-8 is the only encoding for Persian on Linux, we have implemented 
this layout only in utf-8.

Known Bugs:
- AltGr isn't supported, cause of there is no AltGr in US keyboard.
- Shift+Space doesn't work; you should use Shift-B for ZWNJ.

Newbie Instruction:
- Copy these two files to /usr/share/vim/vim6x/keymap/
- Use 
:set keymap=persian
in Vim command mode, or append it to ~/.vimrc

Have fun...

Behnam Esfahbod [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
Amir Hedayaty   [  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
let encoding = &enc
if encoding == ''
        let encoding = 'utf-8'

if encoding == 'utf-8'
        source <sfile>:p:h/persian-iranian_utf-8.vim
" Vim Keymap file for Persian Standard Keyboard Layout
" Maintainers: Behnam Esfahbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"              Amir Hedayaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
" Last Change: 2003 Aug 18

" All characters are given literally, conversion to another encoding (e.g.,
" UTF-8) should work.
scriptencoding utf-8

" Use this short name in the status line.
let b:keymap_name = "per"

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1       ۱
2       ۲
3       ۳
4       ۴
5       ۵
6       ۶
7       ۷
8       ۸
9       ۹
0       ۰
-       -
=       =

q       ض
w       ص
e       ث
r       ق
t       ف
y       غ
u       ع
i       ه
o       خ
p       ح
[       ج
]       چ

a       ش
s       س
d       ی
f       ب
g       ل
h       ا
j       ت
k       ن
l       م
;       ک
'       گ

z       ظ
x       ط
c       ز
v       ر
b       ذ
n       د
m       پ
,       و
.       .
/       /
\       \

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X       ٓ
C       ژ
V       ٰ
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N       ٔ
M       ء
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?       ؟
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