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> Bethylid Wasps (Bethylidae)
> These are small to medium-sized, usually metallic-bronze wasps. Either or
> both sexes of a species may include winged and winglessm individuals. The
> larvae are commonly endo- or ectoparasitic on the paralyzed or dead larvae
> of beetles, moths, and butterflies.
> In 1927, a tiny black wasp of the genus Epyris, which inflicts a severe
> sting, was reported from Yolo County, California (von Geldern, 1927).
> These
> wasps were said to appear in large numbers in the fall after a warm spell,
> invade houses, and get into bedding and clothing, where they stung when
> crushed against the skin. Individuals within a family varied greatly in
> their reactions, the most sensitive suffering general systemic disorders
> over a period of about a half hour, including itching, cramps, diarrhea,
> marked prostration, weakness, and sweating. The wasp was Iater identified
> as
> Epyris californicus (Ashmead). It is occasionally reported to sting people
> in the lowland delta area in northern California. It is believed to
> parasitize the larvae of tenebrionid beetles (Essig, 1932, 1942).
> Muesebeck
> et al. (1951) recorded the species as occurring in California and Arizona.

So far have never had any reports of these reactions to a few cases that I
have come across.

> Cephalonomia gallicola (Ashmead) occurs in the eastern United States,
> Europe, and Asia, and is probably cosmopolitan. Certain beetles, such as
> Stegobium paniceum and Lasioderma serricorne, which commonly infest stored
> products in the household, are hosts of this wasp. Adult wasps are likely
> to
> become abundant in houses with a persistent infestation of the beetles,
> and
> there have been many reports of the human occupants being stung. Other
> bethylid wasps of the genus Sclerodermus parasitize cerambycid beetle
> larvae
> infesting the woodwork of houses, and the adult wasps have often been
> reported to sting people (Muesebeck et al., 1951).

Yes, I've come across a few instances of Cephalonomia in NYC that had been
stinging and, of course, people thinking it was bed bug infestations.  Had
them use a roll of lint remover tape to collect from the surface of the
couch and walls after looking at the specimens of what had been collected
and identified as "ants" by their pest control person.  Baits systems
didn't work (obviously).  Had them look for stored product pests and one
person (who was an herbalist and had imported dried Chrysanthemum plants
from China) located lots of Lasioderma serricorne (cigarette beetles) in
the packaged plants and also male and female wasps (males are winged). 
She brought the package over to me.  She also didn't have bed bugs.  Also
had another case (different bethylid) due to a wood boring beetle problem.
 There have been dermatitis reports over the years in Japan due to
Cephalonomia stinging.

> Jim Harmon
> California Pest Management, inc.
> 626-633-6620
> From:
> []
> On Behalf Of Rui Marto Fonseca - EXPM Lda.
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 3:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: [pestlist] info on "Scleroderma domestica"
> Dear Pestlist members,
> Do you have any scientific information about this insect and erradication?
> Thank you for cooperation,
> --
> Rui Marto Fonseca
> Gestor Produto / Product Manager
> Tlm: 00351 917885010
> EXPM, Desinfestacao e Higienizacao, Lda
> Equipamentos e Servicos para Preservacao e Conservacao de Acervos /
> Equipment & Services for the Preservation and Maintenance of Collections
> ESCRITORIO / OFFICE: Rua dos Ciprestes, 48 - Edificio Office no Estoril -
> 2765-623 Estoril
> Tel: 00351 214661910 / Fax: 00351 214661523 / Email:
> SEDE / HEADQUARTER: R. Prof. Dias Valente, n.32 - Edificio Copacabana, 4B
> -
> 2765-578 Estoril
> ARMAZEM / STOREHOUSE: R. Fonte da Carreira, 350 - Armazem 10 A - Mata Sete
> -
> Manique de Baixo - 2645-467 Alcabideche
> Tel: 00351 210936238

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Louis N. Sorkin, B.C.E.
Entomology Section
Division of Invertebrate Zoology
American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY 10024-5192

phone: 212-769-5613
fax: 212-769-5277

The New York Entomological Society, Inc.
Online journal from 2001 forward

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