Derya -

Indeed, the spots are American cockroach attar stains.  They spit this out from 
their mouthparts.  It's sort of like when a grasshopper spits "tobacco juice" 
on your fingers when you grasp it.  The attar contains an aggregation 
pheromone, which other American cockroaches can "smell" with their antennae 
from long distances.  It "tells" the cockroaches this is a safe place to hang 
out during the daytime.  Good observations.

Tom Parker

-----Original Message-----
From: derya gölpinar <>
To: pestlist <>
Sent: Fri, Feb 25, 2011 11:34 am
Subject: [pestlist] is this cockroach attar?

Hi Everyone, Would anyone be able to confirm that the stains in the attached 
photos are attar from American cockroaches? I found them on a box that had 
American cockroach droppings inside and that certain cockroach smell. I have 
heard of attar but I have never seen it. I think this is it, but I am not sure. 
If it is attar, I would like to add the photos to the museumpests website for 
reference purposes. 
Have a great Friday everyone and enjoy your weekend! 
Warm regards, 

Derya Golpinar
Collections Manager/ Registrar
The Lower East Side Tenement Museum
91 Orchard Street
New York, NY  10002
Tel: 212-431-0233 ext. 226
Revealing the Past.  Challenging the Future.

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