Dear PETSc community,

The DOE Office of Science has offered to supplement current projects to support 
collaboration and hosting of students, postdoctoral researchers, and scientists 
who have been impacted by the conflict in Ukraine. This can include support via 
European universities. Details are in this letter:

* If you are an eligible student, postdoctoral researcher, or scientist, please 
write (the private list) briefly explaining your 
situation and expertise. We will try to match you with a host. You may also 
write a potential host directly and write us jointly.

* If you are at a European university and willing to host an impacted student, 
postdoctoral researcher, or scientist from Ukraine to work on PETSc, please 
reply here or email briefly describing your area.

Please share this call with students, postdoctoral researchers, and scientists 
who may be candidates for support.

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