Off-Topic Trump Leeching on the Government

How Donald Trump Built an Empire on $885 Million in Tax Breaks

        The project set the pattern for Mr. Trump's New York career:
        He used his father's, and, later, his own, extensive political
        connections, and relied on a huge amount of assistance from
        the government and taxpayers in the form of tax breaks, grants
        and incentives to benefit the 15 buildings at the core of his
        Manhattan real estate empire.  Since then, Mr. Trump has
        reaped at least $885 million in tax breaks, grants and other
        subsidies for luxury apartments, hotels and office buildings
        in New York, according to city tax, housing and finance
        records. The subsidies helped him lower his own costs and sell
        apartments at higher prices because of their reduced taxes ...
        No possible subsidy was left untapped. After the terrorist
        attacks on the World Trade Center, Mr. Trump lined up a
        $150,000 grant for one of his buildings near ground zero,
        taking advantage of a program to help small businesses in the
        area recover, even though he had acknowledged on the day of
        the attacks that his building was undamaged.  "Donald Trump is
        probably worse than any other developer in his relentless
        pursuit of every single dime of taxpayer subsidies he can get
        his paws on," said Alicia Glen, Mayor Bill de Blasio's deputy
        mayor for housing and economic development, who first battled
        Mr. Trump when she worked in Mr. Giuliani's administration.

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Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800
I have consulted to Google, but I am not currently 
doing so -- my opinions expressed here are mine alone.
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