Ivan Nejgebauer wrote:

First of all, this is certainly hackers stuff, please post on pgadmin-hackers!

The attached patch a) defines a double click handler for the list in the properties pane, so that a double click on an item

You're right, doubleclick is missing on the property pane.

in the list launches
the properties editor for the item (or the data view if the item is a table or a view); and b) modifies the tree view double click handler so that a double click on a table or a view launches the data view for the corresponding table/view.

This isn't acceptable like this, because it introduces different behaviour between clicking on a "properties" item and a tree item. Both must behave identically. Actually, not only double click is missing, but also right mouse click.

Rationale for different behavior with tables/views:

This is reasonable, but before that some prerequisites have to be met:
- the default action should be visible to the user, preferrably displayed bold in the context menu.
- the default action might differ from user to user. For sure, an unconditional "View Data" on a table is a bad idea. I already hear those guys yelling double clicking on a 100 million row table...


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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