<j.vre...@aca-it.be> wrote:
> This bug was not in jdbc4 driver: 8.4-701
> But is introduced in jdbc4 driver: 8.4-702
> It is still present in 9.1-901
You might get this in front of a more appropriate group of people if
you post to the pgsql-jdbc list.  I'm moving discussion to that list.
> Context:
> * Tomcat 7
> * JPA2 Hibernate
> * Atomikos
> * Spring
> * JTA transaction manager (using org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource)
> ===
> If in the JSF lifecycle render-response an element is fetched by
> means of lazy loading (that was not fetched in invoke-application
> lifecycle) a transaction will be started but it remains idle in
> transaction for postgres.
> The JTA Transaction manager has no active transactions at that
> moment, so for JTA everything seems commit/rollback.
> The connection seems to be back in the connectionpool, since the
> transaction was used for only read operations no harm is done, and
> the connection becomes idle for postgres when the next thread
> invokes a commit on this connection.
Instead of assuming that someone can install a matching software
stack and replicate the problem, can you determine what methods are
invoked on which objects to manifest the problem, and create a
simple test case that can demonstrate the issue with just the test
case source code and a JDBC jar?
> Workaround 1: Use version 8.4-701 or lower
Are you able to try reverting portions of the difference between 701
and 702 to see which make a difference?  If you ignore the
translation and test code, the changes weren't huge.  It was
probably this commit:
or maybe this one:
Do you see anything wrong with either of those?
> Workaround 2: JSF phaselistener to begin and rollback transaction
> before and after render-response.
I have no idea what that means in terms of what statements are run,
or when.

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