The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:


I have a pretty detailed setup, and can provide more details if desired, but
the real issue is that I am seeing an error like the following:

2019-09-30 15:09:02.369 UTC [814] LOG:  logical replication table
synchronization worker for subscription "us_sponsor_sub", table "site" has
2019-09-30 15:09:02.404 UTC [814] ERROR:  duplicate key value violates
unique constraint "site_pkey"
2019-09-30 15:09:02.404 UTC [814] DETAIL:  Key
(id)=(431ab6e3-4487-4b12-a9f9-4874b16ccd0a) already exists.
2019-09-30 15:09:02.404 UTC [814] CONTEXT:  COPY site, line 1
2019-09-30 15:09:02.406 UTC [1] LOG:  background worker "logical replication
worker" (PID 814) exited with exit code 1

This error is expected, because I intentionally was trying to alter a
subscription to set its replication `slot_name` to `NONE`, then drop the
subscription in order to change hosts for one of the databases in the
system. I would like to resume replication in the new host, instead of
starting from scratch, because my new host already has the expected data. I
tried to create a new subscription, using the existing replication slot, and
while disabled calling `pg_replication_origin_advance` with a further-along
LSN, and am able to see that reflected in the `remote_lsn`, but not the
`local_lsn`. After re-enabling the subscription, I still get the same error.
I am sure there is something straight forward that I am missing, but I am
missing it!

$ psql -d $PLR_US_SITE_URL -c "SELECT * FROM
 local_id | external_id | remote_lsn | local_lsn 
        1 | pg_16415    | 0/16961D9  | 0/0
Is there a way to skip over this record in the local log so that I can move
on to the next one? I didn't want to resort to deleting the conflicting
entry because it already has relationships that need to continue to hold in
the subscriber database.

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