
as of PG10, it is not possible to create logical replication slots on standby servers. Should that fact probably be mentioned more explicitly in https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/logical-replication.html ?

There seems to be work by Craig Ringer going on, but that doesn't seem to be arriving soon...

My requirement is to be notified of any row changes (insert/update/delete) that become visible on a standby server through streaming physical replication. Table name and primary key would be sufficient, I don't need the actual row data. And there's no "replication" at all ;-)

Is this something that pglogical (https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/resources/pglogical/ ) or pgxlogdump could provide?

The workaround I've come up so far would be: connect logical replication to the master and extract the events I'm interested together with the WAL position of the corresponding TX's commit. Then, send that information to each replica; connect locally and poll the replayed WAL position every second or so. Work on the events that became visible and queue the rest.

But this seems to be quite complex compared to just reading the WAL off the standby where it already is, ideally using the logical output plugin interface to format the data.

Thanks for any insights!
Best regards,

        -hannes erven

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