Using a DateTime value in a WHERE clause is not a good idea for the reason
that DateTimes are usually represented by a floating point value in the
database itself. And since floating point numbers are prone to rounding
errors, they don't make for a good unique identifier.

If you have to use dates in your WHERE clauses, try doing a BETWEEN.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian deSouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 11:17 AM
Subject: Date types in where clause of PreparedStatement

> Can anybody show any reason why the code using a prepared statement with a
> where clause using a date won't find any records on PostgreSQL but WILL
> using Access and the jdbc-odbc bridge?
> ie.
> SQL: select
> ight,ShipName,ShipAddress,ShipCity,ShipRegion,ShipPostalCode,ShipCountry
> from Orders where OrderDate = ?
> Setting value: OrderDate 1996-07-05 00:00:00.0
> It does not cause an exception, but fails to retrieve anything with
> PostgreSQL yet works and retrieves the right record with Access.
> I further verified that a record does exist with the PostreSQL database.

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