> > >  I have a table and want to make a view updateable with rules. Table
has a
> > >  sequence that creates default value to primary key when inserting.
> > >
> > >  And now the question: Is it posible to return value of primary key
> > >  rule of inserting with NEW? Is that value what i would get from
> > >  calling to insert, instead of OID?.
> >
> > SELECT currval('seq-table-name_seq-field-name_seq');
> >
> > where seq-table-name is the name of your table (not the view), and
> > seq-field-name is the name of the primary key.
> i'm sure there's a reason for this--
> psql=> select currval('mytable_afield_seq') ;
> ERROR:  mytable_afield_seq.currval is not yet defined in this session
> but i'll be darned if i can figure out what it is. (after one
> call to "nextval()" currval() works fine, of course.) someone hit
> me with a clue stick!

currval() is the value last used by the backend, not by the database.
Meaning that you have to actually use the sequence before the backend has a
value to retrieve. That means either doing a nextval() or doing an INSERT
(which implicitly performs the nextval() ).


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