Hey all,

I've got a program that uses PostgreSQL. In the past, one of the trickier parts of installation and design was supporting various versions and various types of SQL servers. So now that I am doing a ground-up rewrite of the program, I wanted to use a dedicated installation of PgSQL.

I've got it compiling and installing nicely, but I am looking to "optimize" things some. Is there any guides for people like me looking for a minimal install/distribution size? I'd like to strip out all features I don't use. Also, I'd like to avoid needing the user to install <foo>-dev packages, so is it possible to get a list of all the library and include files PostgreSQL needs?

  So far, I've got this working;

./configure --prefix=/usr/share/mizu-bu/db/ --without-docdir \
        --with-perl --with-pgport=1062 --without-tcl --without-python \
        --without-krb5 --without-pam --without-ldap --without-bonjour \
        --without-openssl && make && make install

The '/usr/share/mizu-bu' directory is the root directory for my program and PlPerl is the only language I need. I don't need a lot of the stuff in contrib (ie: tsearch2 for example), but am unsure of how safe it is to just start deleting things.

Hopefully others have created (relatively) small, stripped down distribution of PgSQL for their programs...

Also, to make a source distribution as portable as possible, what precautions/gotcha's might I run into by trying to put together a fully independent list of libraries and includes for this install? I'm far from an expert programmer, so I am not sure what all I need to watch for. I know I need GNU make 3.81.1+, and I'd like to have readline support (50/50 of zlib).

  Thanks for any help/tips/pointers!


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