
after talking with Marius:
The last sentence in his mail concerning the progress
suffers from poor translation, and can safely be ignored ;-)

We didn't intend to push anybody.

VlG-(Marius Timmer &) Arne Scheffer

On 25.10.18 15:08, Marius Timmer wrote:
Dear hackers,

We (Julian and I) would like to show you the seventh version of this
patch which includes all the things mentioned before. Unfortunately
we did not find the time to do this earlier.

On 07/19/2018 03:00 AM, Thomas Munro wrote:
you could just have one common code path to reach CheckCertAuth()
for all auth methods after that switch statement, instead of the more
complicated conditional coding you have now with two ways to reach it.
There is only one path now to call CheckCertAuth(). I don't think we
have left too many complicated conditions.

That would result in a couple less LOC and a bit clearer conditionals,
I agree.
If there are no objections to make uaCert a quasi-alias of uaTrust
with clientcert=verify-full, I'll go ahead and change the code
uaCert and uaTrust are handled the same within the switch statement.

I'll make sure that the error messages are still handled based on
the auth method and not only depending on the clientcert flag.
As far as I know we already handled the error message based on the auth
method and clientcert flag.

On 07/30/2018 12:20, Julian Markwort wrote:
I'm open for suggestions, but in absence of objections I might just
capitalize all occurrences of CN.
We decided to stick with the old style for now. So we changed all
occurrences of cn to lower case.

Yes, we should adopt the new style in all places.
I'll rewrite that passage to indicate that cert authentication
essentially results in the same behavior as clientcert=verify-full.
The existing text is somewhat ambiguous anyway, in case somebody
decides to skip over the restriction described in the second sentence.
We fixed that. Additionally we added the alias "no-verify" for
clientcert=0 since it seems to be a good idea to have aliases for all
three available values.

What do you think about using clientCertCA for the enumerator name
instead of clientCertOn? That would correspond better to the names
"verify-ca" and "verify-full".
I'm not sure if Magnus had any other cases in mind when he named it
We agree that clientCertCA is a better name for it. Since Magnus does
not seem to have any concerns about it we changed that as well.

Julian and I think the time has come for this patch to make some
progress. After a few months I think there is not that much to discuss

Kind regards,

Marius Timmer

Arne Scheffer
Beratung und Service (mit R. Mersch)

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU)

Zentrum für Informationsverarbeitung (ZIV)

Röntgenstraße 7-13
Besucheradresse: Einsteinstraße 60, Raum 104
48149 Münster
+49 251 83 31581

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