Hi all,

I'm trying to extend pg_tap/pg_tapgen in order to be able to check that two databases have the exact same constraints (for all available types of constraints).

I am wondering if there is a better way to check that two constraints are equal than using pg_get_constraintdef, which is full text and may change formatting between releases.

Using the pg_constraints columns could have the same problem anyway. For check constraints, for instance, consrc could change formatting (even if that's unlikely), and anyway parsing consrc would add much complexity to pg_tap… typeids could be different so they would have to be resolved in both databases.

So the question is, is there a better way of checking that a constraint in a database is the same in another one than using pg_get_constraintdef ? (and printing a warning in the doc that it is only guaranteed to work with the same PG release).



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