Doug McNaught wrote:

>> I did what you suggested and nothing changed.
>> Actually, JDBC problem seems to be ant related
>> as it did not exist w/ version 7.0.3.
> You might want to double-check that JAVAHOME (sp?) is set before you
> make.  I had problems building with Ant until I figured that out.  If
> you look in the Ant docs it tells you how to set that variable (I
> think).

Thanks for the response. I actually went thru
the full exercise when I was compiling Tomcat
engine with Ant. Every thing seems to be set up
properly. This is a part od /etc/profile file
that shows the settings of environmental variables.


export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk1.3
export JAVAHOME=/usr/jdk1.3
export J2EE_HOME=/usr/j2ee1.3
export ANT_HOME=/usr/jakarta/jakarta-ant

export JAKARTA_HOME=/usr/jakarta
export TOMCAT_HOME=/usr/jakarta/dist/tomcat
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/pgsql/lib
export PGDATA=/usr/local/pgsql/data

Did you use j2se 1.3_02 for Linux from Sun
to build the driver?

BTW, I did not have any problem building the
driver under version 7.0.3.

>> The perl problem is definitely coming from libperl.a
>> file as specifically mentioned in the Makefile.
> No solution for this except to get the Perl sources, configure it to
> build a shared, and build and install the whole thing.
> None of the RPM packages that I know of supply a shared library for
> Perl.

This is what I was not hoping for.
Why does version 7.0.3 not have the problem?

Do you guys suggest I go thru the exercise
of building or this is going to
be fixed w/ the official release?


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