"Greg Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Will answer my own question now:  the main useful protection available here is
> Mediawiki's "full protection", which makes pages so they can only be edited by
> users with sysops privledges.  So in order to make a protected page that, say,
> mainly Bruce was allowed to edit, he'd have to be elevated to a sysops 
> account.

I thought we considered Bruce being the only person who could edit the TODO
list more of a bug than a feature. Consider how many times we've had to play
broken-telephone trying to explain what the key aspects to express in the
items were. It would be simpler to agree that there's a TODO and then have the
person who knows what the item is write it or fix Bruce's attempt than to have
to go through one person who wasn't necessarily involved in the discussion.

That's not to say we don't need designated maintainers to own specific pages.
But that's more of a positive assertion that if nobody else is doing something
they're responsible for getting it done rather than a negative assertion that
nobody else should be helping.

  Gregory Stark
  EnterpriseDB          http://www.enterprisedb.com
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's 24x7 Postgres support!

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