Hi Tino,

Tino Wildenhain wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> you want probably use the language-negotiation
> rather then a query variable :-)

Um, language-negotiation in good in theory, but there are real world
scenarios it doesn't take into account.  :(

However, the query variable is an override, and if one isn't present
then the backend is supposed to use other means to determine the
appropriate language, including the browsers preferred language.  It's
just that the code to do this bit hasn't been written yet.  :-)

If all else fails it falls back to a default language, English for this


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

> Regards
> Tino

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
   - Indira Gandhi

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