Tom wrote...
> At this point it should move to pghackers, I think.

Background for pghackers first, open issues below...

   Over on pgpatches we've been discussing ISO syntax for
   “time intervals” of the “format with time-unit designators”.
   A short summary is that I’ve submitted a patch that
   accepts intervals of this format..
     Postgresql interval:              ISO8601 Interval
     '1 year 6 months'                'P1Y6M'
     '3 hours 25 minutes 42 seconds'  'PT3H25M42S'
   The final draft is here

   This patch was backward-compatable, but further improvements
   discussed on patches may break compatability so I wanted to
   discuss them here before implementing them.   I’ll also
   be submitting a new datestyle “iso8601” to output these intervals.

Open issues:

1. Postgresql supported a shorthand for intervals that had
   a similar, but not compatable syntax:
     Interval            ISO             Existing postgres
                         8601            shorthand
     '1 year 1 minute'   'P1YT1M'         '1Y1M'
     '1 year 1 month'    'P1Y1M'          N/A

   The current thinking of the thread in pgpatches is to remove
   the existing (undocumented) syntax.

   Removing this will break backward compatability if anyone
   used this feature.  Let me know if you needed it.

2. Some of the parsing for intervals is inconsistant and
   confusing.  For example, note that ‘0.01 years’ is
   less than ‘0.01 months’.

  betadb=# select '0.01 month'::interval as hundredth_of_month,
  betadb-#        '0.01 year'::interval  as hundredth_of_year;
   hundredth_of_month | hundredth_of_year
   07:12:00           | 00:00:00

   This occurs because the current interval parsing rounds
   fractional years to the month, but fractional months
   to the fraction of a second.

   The current thinking on the thread in patches is
   at the very least to make these consistant, but with
   some open-issues because months aren’t a fixed number
   of days, and days aren’t a fixed number of seconds.

   The easiest and most minimal change would be to assume
   that any fractional part automatically gets turned
   into seconds, assuming things like 30 seconds/month,
   24 hrs/day.  Since all units except years work that way
   today, it’d would have the least impact on existing code.

   A probably better way that Tom recommended would remember
   fractional months and fractional days.  This has the
   advantage that unlike today,
     ‘.5 months’::interval + ‘.5 months’::interval
   would then equal 1 month.

   So what should ‘.5 years’ be?

   Today, it’s ‘6 mons’.  But I could just as easily
   argue that it should be 365.2425/2 days, or 4382.91
   seconds.  Each of these will be different (the last
   two are different durring daylight savings).

3. This all is based on the final draft standard of
   ISO 8601, but I haven’t seen the actual expensive
   standard.  If anyone has it handy...

   Also, I’m curious to know what if anything the SQL
   spec says about intervals and units.  Any pointers.


Any other interval annoyances I should hit at the same time?

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