If we have a query of the form:

Select *, (Select * FROM T2 WHERE p2 = T1.p1) FROM T1 ORDER BY 1 WHERE p3 = 75

In the above query there is a subselect in the target list and the ORDERBY has 
an ordinal number which indicates order by column 1. Does this mean that the 
above query will return all results from T1 that match p3 =75 and all results 
from T2 that match p2 = T1.p1 for every match on T1 and order them all by the 
first column of T1 and T2 ?

basically i am trying to determine if the order by clause has effect only on 
the tuples of the outer select or both the outer and inner select. Or the 
results returned by the inner select are treated as if they are part of a 
single tuple which includes the tuple from table T1 ?

Is this an implementation specific behaviour or it conforms to the SQL standard 


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