
I am working on trunc and round function now. I have some problems with timestemp with time zone datatype. First question?

is correct  behaviour (I am in GMT+2 time zone)?

select current_timestamp, date_trunc('year', current_timestamp), date_trunc('month', current_timestamp);

"2005-07-31 10:46:39.087+02"|"2005-01-01 00:00:00+01"|"2005-07-01 00:00:00+02"

I expected for all values time zone + 2.

Next questions. Is correct idea?

trunc(timestamptz '20010101 10:10:10+8', 'IYYY') --> 20010102 00:00:00+8 ??

or 20010101 18:00:00+02 (24-6) or 20010101 19:00:00+01 or ???

There are somewhere some rules about behavior timestamp with time zone?

Thenk You
Pavel Stehule

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