I think I've identified a primary cause for the "no such pg_clog file"
problem that we've seen reported several times.

A look at htup.h shows that the WAL only stores the low 8 bits of a
tuple's t_infomask (see xl_heap_header struct).  There is some fooling
around in heapam.c's WAL redo routines to try to reconstitute some of
the high-order bits, for example this:

            htup->t_infomask = HEAP_XMAX_INVALID | xlhdr.mask;

But this is implicitly assuming that we can reconstruct the
XMIN_COMMITTED bit at will.  That was true when the WAL code was
written, but with 7.2's ability to recycle allegedly-no-longer-needed
pg_clog data, we cannot simply drop commit status bits.

The only scenario I've been able to identify in which this actually
causes a failure is when VACUUM FULL moves an old tuple and then shortly
afterwards (before the next checkpoint) there is a crash.  Post-crash,
the tuple move will be redone from WAL, and the moved tuple will be
inserted with zeroed-out commit status bits.  When we next examine the
tuple, we have to try to retrieve its commit status from pg_clog ... but
it's not there anymore.

As far as I can see, the only realistic solution is to store the full 16
bits of t_infomask in the WAL.  We could do this without increasing WAL
size by dropping the t_hoff field from xl_heap_header --- t_hoff is
computable given the number of attributes and the HASNULL/HASOID bits,
both of which are available.  (Actually, we could save some space now
by getting rid of t_oid in xl_heap_header; it's not necessary given that
OID isn't in the fixed tuple header anymore.)

This will require a WAL format change of course.  Fortunately we can do
that without forcing a complete initdb (people will have to run
pg_resetxlog if they want to update a 7.3beta2 database without initdb).

I see no way to fix the problem in the context of 7.2.  Perhaps we
should put out a bulletin warning people to avoid VACUUM FULL in 7.2,
or at least to do CHECKPOINT as soon as possible after one.

                        regards, tom lane

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