Re: [HACKERS] Wait events monitoring future development

2016-08-08 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Bruce Momjian  wrote:
> It seems asking users to run pg_test_timing before deploying to check
> the overhead would be sufficient.

I'am not sure. Time measurement for waits is slightly more complicated
than a time measurement for explain analyze: a good workload plus
using gettimeofday in a straightforward manner can cause huge
overhead. Thats why a proper testing is important - if we can see a
significant performance drop if we have for example large
shared_buffers with the same concurrency,  that shows gettimeofday is
too expensive to use. Am I correct, that we do not have such accurate
tests now?

My another concern is, that it is a bad idea to release a feature,
which allegedly has huge performance impact even if it is not turned
on by default. I often meet people who do not use exceptions in
plpgsql because a tip "A block containing an EXCEPTION clause is
significantly more expensive to enter ..." in PostgreSQL documentation

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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[HACKERS] Wait events monitoring future development

2016-08-07 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky

I've summarized Wait events monitoring discussion at Developer unconference
in Ottawa this year on wiki:

(Thanks to Alexander Korotkov for patiently pushing me to make this thing
finally done)

If you attended, fill free to point me out if I missed something, I will
put it on the wiki too.

Wait event monitoring looks ones again stuck on the way through community
approval in spite of huge progress done last year in that direction. The
importance of the topic is beyond discussion now, if you talk to any
PostgreSQL person about implementing such a tool in Postgres and if the
person does not get exited, probably you talk to a full-time PostgreSQL
developer;-) Obviously it needs a better design, both the user interface
and implementation, and perhaps this is why full-time developers are still

In order to move forward, imho we need at least some steps, whose steps can
be done in parallel

1. Further requirements need to be collected from DBAs.

   If you are a PostgreSQL DBA with Oracle experience and use perf for
troubleshooting Postgres - you are an ideal person to share your
experience, but everyone is welcome.

2. Further pg_wait_sampling performance testing needed and in different

   According to developers, overhead is small, but many people have doubts
that it can be much more significant for intensive workloads. Obviously, it
is not an easy task to test, because you need to put doubtfully
non-production ready code into mission-critical production for such tests.
   As a result it will be clear if this design should be abandoned  and we
need to think about less-invasive solutions or this design is acceptable.

Any thoughts?

Best regards,

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

Re: [HACKERS] RFC: replace pg_stat_activity.waiting with something more descriptive

2015-06-25 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 1:49 PM, Amit Kapila  wrote:
>> Personally I think, that tracking waits is a not a good idea for
>> pg_stat_activity (at least in that straight-forward manner).
> As mentioned in the initial mail by Robert, that sometimes system becomes
> slow (either due to contention on various kinds of locks or due to I/O or
> due
> to some other such reasons) that such kind of handy information via some
> view is quite useful.  Recently while working on one of the
> performance/scalability
> projects, I need to use gdb to attach to different processes to see what
> they
> are doing (of course one can use perf or some other utilities as well) and I
> found most of them were trying to wait on some LW locks, now having such
> an information available via view could be really useful, because sometimes
> at customer sites, we can't use gdb or perf to see what's going on.

Yes, I understand such a use-case. But I hardly see if suggested
design can help for such cases.

Basically, a DBA has two reasons to take a look on waits:

1. Long response time for particular query (or some type of queries).
In that case it is good to know how much time we spend on waiting for
particular resources we need to get query results
2. Overall bad performance of a database. We know, that something goes
wrong and consumes resources, we need to identify which backend, which
query causes the most of waits.

In both cases we need a) some historical data rather than simple
snapshot b) some approach how to aggregate it  because the will be
certainly a lot of events

So my point is, we need separate interface for waits, instead of
integrating in pg_stat_activity. And it should be several interfaces:
one for approximate top of waiting sessions (like
active_sessions_history in oracle), one for detailed tracing of a
session, one for waits per resource statistics etc.

>>  One
>> process can wait for lots of things between 2 sampling of
>> pg_stat_activity and that sampling can be pretty useless.
> Yeah, that's right and I am not sure if we should bother about such
> scenario's
> as the system is generally fine in such situations, however there are other
> cases where we can find most of the backends are waiting on one or other
> thing.

I think approach with top of waiting sessions covers both scenarios
(well, with only one exception: if we have billions of very short
waits and high  contention is the problem)

However, it maybe a good idea, to identify the resource we are waiting
for from pg_stat_activity if we are waiting for a long time.

> I think this is some what different kind of utility which can give us
> aggregated information and I think this will address different kind of
> usecase and will have somewhat more complex design and it doesn't
> look impossible to use part of what will be developed as part of this
> proposal.

I think it is more than possible to mix both approaches. My proof of
concept now is only about LWLocks - yours and Robert's is more
general, and certainly some wait event classification will be needed
for both approaches and its much better to implement one rather than
two different.

And at least, I will be interesting in reviewing your approach.

> With Regards,
> Amit Kapila.
> EnterpriseDB:

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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Re: [HACKERS] RFC: replace pg_stat_activity.waiting with something more descriptive

2015-06-25 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
Hi all

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Amit Kapila  wrote:
> 2. Add 2 new columns to pg_stat_activity
> waiting_resource - true for waits other heavy wait locks, false
> wait_event - description code for the wait event
> 3. Add new view 'pg_stat_wait_event' with following info:
> pid   - process id of this backend
> waiting - true for any form of wait, false otherwise
> wait_event_type - Heavy Weight Lock, Light Weight Lock, I/O wait, etc
> wait_event - Lock (Relation), Lock (Relation Extension), etc

Personally I think, that tracking waits is a not a good idea for
pg_stat_activity (at least in that straight-forward manner). One
process can wait for lots of things between 2 sampling of
pg_stat_activity and that sampling can be pretty useless.

My approach (about which Ive had a talk mentioned by Jim and which I
hope to finalize and submit within a few days) is a bit different and
I believe is more useful:

1.  Some sort of histogram of top waits within entire database by pid.
That will be an approximate one, because  I hardly believe there is a
possibility to make a precise one without significant overhead.

2. Some cyclic buffer  of more precise wait statistic inside each
worker. Sampling may be turned on if we see some issues in histogram
(1) and want to have some more details.

> Do you think 2nd or 3rd could be viable way to proceed for this feature?
> With Regards,
> Amit Kapila.
> EnterpriseDB:

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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Re: [HACKERS] Dynamic LWLock tracing via pg_stat_lwlock (proof of concept)

2014-10-07 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Robert Haas  wrote:
>> It's not like it'd be significantly different today - in a read mostly
>> workload that's bottlenecked on ProcArrayLock you'll not see many
>> waits. There you'd have to count the total number of spinlocks cycles to
>> measure anything interesting.
> Hmm, really?  I've never had to do that to find bottlenecks.

Not sure. Long waiting time represents the same thing better or at
least well enough. I think only acquisitions count is important.

>>> Having said that, if there's no blocking or spindelay any more, to me
>>> that doesn't mean we should look for some other measure of contention
>>> instead.  It just means that the whole area is a solved problem, we
>>> don't need to measure contention any more because there isn't any, and
>>> we can move on to other issues once we finish partying.  But mildly
>>> skeptical that the outcome will be as good as all that.
>> It's not. Just because we're not waiting in a spinlock loop doesn't mean
>> there can't be contention... It's just moved one level down, into the cpu.
> I guess that's true, but how much of the contention at that level is
> really important to expose to DBAs?  We can put anything that is of
> developer interest only int LWLOCK_STATS.

For DBA all this means we are waiting for a lock.

> --
> Robert Haas
> EnterpriseDB:
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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Re: [HACKERS] Dynamic LWLock tracing via pg_stat_lwlock (proof of concept)

2014-10-07 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Andres Freund  wrote:
> On 2014-10-07 17:22:18 +0300, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
>> FWIW, I liked Ilya's design. Before going to sleep, store the lock ID in
>> shared memory. When you wake up, clear it. That should be cheap enough to
>> have it always enabled. And it can easily be extended to other "waits", e.g.
>> when you're waiting for input from client.
> I think there's a few locks where that's interesting. But in my
> experience many slowdowns aren't caused by actual waits, but because of
> cacheline contention. And for that the number of acquisitions is much
> more relevant than the waiting. The primary example for this is probably
> the procarray lock.

I would say, that to see particular lwlockid 50 times in 100 samples
or to see it 50 times one after another or see it only 2 times,
provides good and representative information for DBA. At least better
than nothing.

>> I don't think counting the number of lock acquisition is that interesting.
>> It doesn't give you any information on how long the waits were, for
>> example.
> Sure, that's a separate thing that we should be able to answer.

The point is that a lot of short waits sometimes could be as worse as
one long wait. That is why it is important, but I thing propper
sampling provides good estimation for this.

> Greetings,
> Andres Freund
> --
>  Andres Freund
>  PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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Re: [HACKERS] Dynamic LWLock tracing via pg_stat_lwlock (proof of concept)

2014-10-07 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Andres Freund  wrote:
>> I think the easiest way to measure lwlock contention would be to put
>> some counters in the lwlock itself.  My guess, based on a lot of
>> fiddling with LWLOCK_STATS over the years, is that there's no way to
>> count lock acquisitions and releases without harming performance
>> significantly - no matter where we put the counters, it's just going
>> to be too expensive.  However, I believe that incrementing a counter -
>> even in the lwlock itself - might not be too expensive if we only do
>> it when (1) a process goes to sleep or (2) spindelays occur.
> Increasing the size will be painful on its own :(.

I am afraid in this case we should think about minimizing overhead but
not about avoiding it at all: having such DBA-friendly feature it is
worth it.

Let me step down a bit, since the discussion went to details, while
the whole design idea stays unclear.

What actually we need: fact, that lwlock acquired? lock count? time
spent in lock? overall lock duration?

Usual way to explain how any of such performance tools work, is
Traffic example (and any oracle/db2 wait-interface aware DBA knows

You have some from home to office way and spend an hour to make it.
You try to optimize it and found, that however you take highway with
no speed limit, you usually stack in traffic turning from highway to
your office and spend there about 10-30 min. Alternative is to take
another way with 2 speed limit zones and one traffic light, totally
you will loose 2 and 5 minutes on speed limit parts and 2 min on red
light - overall better than 30 minutes in a jam and even better than
10 min in a jam. That is all about: to found bottleneck we need
information that process hold certain lock, that it was held certain
time or there are a lot of shorter time locks.

I think, sampling even 1-2 times pro second and building sort of
histogram is well enough at the moment, because it shows (not very in
a very precise manner however) that process hold certain lock, that it
was held certain time or there are a lot of shorter time locks.
After that it is possible to implement something more precise. (As far
as I know, Greg Smith works on some sort of wait events, but it seems
to me there are a lot of work to do to implement exact analog of OWI)

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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Re: [HACKERS] Dynamic LWLock tracing via pg_stat_lwlock (proof of concept)

2014-10-03 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 5:51 PM, Robert Haas  wrote:
> I do think that the instrumentation data gathered by LWLOCK_STATS is
> useful - very useful.

Sure, quite useful.

But how about this comment:

 * The LWLock stats will be updated within a critical section, which
 * requires allocating new hash entries. Allocations within a critical
 * section are normally not allowed because running out of memory would
 * lead to a PANIC, but LWLOCK_STATS is debugging code that's not normally
 * turned on in production, so that's an acceptable risk. The hash entries
 * are small, so the risk of running out of memory is minimal in practice.

> But it does have significant overhead.

I will say that it is a bit more than overhead for production use.

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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Re: [HACKERS] Dynamic LWLock tracing via pg_stat_lwlock (proof of concept)

2014-10-03 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 5:33 PM, Bruce Momjian  wrote:
> As far as gathering data, I don't think we are going to do any better in
> terms of performance/simplicity/reliability than to have a single PGPROC
> entry to record when we enter/exit a lock, and having a secondary
> process scan the PGPROC array periodically.

That was the point.

> What that gives us is almost zero overhead on backends, high
> reliability, and the ability of the scan daemon to give higher weights
> to locks that are held longer.  Basically, if you just stored the locks
> you held and released, you either have to add timing overhead to the
> backends, or you have no timing information collected.  By scanning
> active locks, a short-lived lock might not be seen at all, while a
> longer-lived lock might be seen by multiple scans.  What that gives us
> is a weighting of the lock time with almost zero overhead.   If we want
> finer-grained lock statistics, we just increase the number of scans per
> second.

So I could add the function, which will accumulate the data in some
view/table (with weights etc). How it should be called? From specific
process? From some existing maintenance process such as autovacuum?
Should I implement GUC for example lwlock_pull_rate, 0 for off, from 1
to 10 for 1 to 10 samples pro second?

> I am assuming almost no one cares about the number of locks, but rather
> they care about cummulative lock durations.

Oracle and DB2 measure both,  cummulative durations and counts.

> I am having trouble seeing any other option that has such a good
> cost/benefit profile.

At least cost. In Oracle documentation clearly stated, that it is all
about diagnostic convenience, performance impact is significant.

> --
>   Bruce Momjian
>   EnterpriseDB
>   + Everyone has their own god. +

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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Re: [HACKERS] Dynamic LWLock tracing via pg_stat_lwlock (proof of concept)

2014-10-02 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 5:25 AM, Craig Ringer  wrote:
> It's not at all clear to me that a DTrace-like (or perf-based, rather)
> approach is unsafe, slow, or unsuitable for production use.

> With appropriate wrapper tools I think we could have quite a useful
> library of perf-based diagnostics and tracing tools for PostgreSQL.

It is not actually very slow, overhead is quite reasonable since we
want such comprehensive performance diagnostics. About stability, I
have had a couple of issues with postgres crushes with dtrace and dos
not without. Most of them was on FreeBSD, which is still in use by
many people and were caused actually by freebsd dtrace, but for me it
is quite enough to have doubts about keeping dtrace aware build in

OK, OK -  maybe things were changed last couple of years or will
change soon - still dtrace/perf is well enough for those who is
familiar with it, but you need a really convenient wrapper to make
oracle/db2 DBA happy with using such approach.

> Resolving lock IDs to names might be an issue, though.

I am afraid it is

> --
>  Craig Ringer
>  PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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Re: [HACKERS] Dynamic LWLock tracing via pg_stat_lwlock (proof of concept)

2014-10-02 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Andres Freund  wrote:
> Not just from a oracle DBA POV ;). Generally.


>> Saying that, principally they mean an
>> Oracle Wait Interface analogue. The Basic idea is to have counters or
>> sensors all around database kernel to measure what a particular
>> backend is currently waiting for and how long/how often it waits.
> Yes, I can see that. I'm not sure whether lwlocks are the primary point
> I'd start with though. In many cases you'll wait on so called
> 'heavyweight' locks too...

I try to kill two birds with one stone: make some prepositional work
on main large topic and deliver some convenience about LWLock
diagnostics. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me it is much easier
task to advocate some more desired feature: we have some heavyweight
locks diagnostics tools and they are better than for lwlocks.

>> Suppose we have a PostgreSQL instance under heavy write workload, but
>> we do not know any details. We could pull from time to time
>> pg_stat_lwlock function which would say pid n1 currently in
>> WALWriteLock and pid n2 in WALInsertLock. That means we should think
>> about write ahead log tuning. Or pid n1 is in some clog-related
>> LWLock, which means we need move clog to ramdisk. This is a stupid
>> example, but it shows how useful LWLock tracing could be for DBAs.
>> Even better idea is to collect daily LWLock distribution, find most
>> frequent of them etc.
> I think it's more complicated than that - but I also think it'd be a
> great help for DBAs and us postgres hackers.

Sure it is more complicated, the example is stupid, just to show the point.

>> An idea of this patch is to trace LWLocks with the lowest possible
>> performance impact. We put integer lwLockID into procarray, then
>> acquiring the LWLock we put its id to procarray and now we could pull
>> procarray using a function to see if particular pid holds LWLock.
> But a backend can hold more than one lwlock at the same time? I don't
> think that's something we can ignore.

Yes, this one of the next steps. I have not figure out yet, how to do
it less painfully than LWLOCK_STATS does.

> I personally am doubtful that it makes much sense to move this into an
> extension. It'll likely be tightly enough interlinked to backend code
> that I don't see the point. But I'd not be surprised if others feel
> differently.

Thats why I asked this question, and also because I have no idea where
exactly put this functions inside backend if not into extension. But
probably there are some more important tasks with this work than
moving the function inside, I could do this later if it will be

> I generally don't think you'll get interesting data without a fair bit
> of additional work.


> The first problem that comes to my mind about collecting enough data is
> that we have a very large number of lwlocks (fixed_number + 2 *
> shared_buffers). One 'trivial' way of implementing this is to have a per
> backend array collecting the information, and then a shared one
> accumulating data from it over time. But I'm afraid that's not going to
> fly :(. Hm. With the above sets of stats that'd be ~50MB per backend...
> Perhaps we should somehow encode this different for individual lwlock
> tranches? It's far less problematic to collect all this information for
> all but the buffer lwlocks...

That is a good point. There are actually two things to keep in mind:
i) user interface, ii) implementation

i) Personally, as a DBA, I do not see much sense in unaggregated list
of pid, lwlockid, wait_time or something like that.

Much better to have aggregation by pid and lwlockid, for instance:
- pid
- lwlockid
- lwlockname
- total_count (or number of exclusive/shared acquirations that had to
wait as you suggest, since we have a lot of lwlocks I am doubtful
about how important is the information about non-waiting lwlocks)

ii) Am I correct, that you suggest to go trough MainLWLockTranche and
retrieve all available lwlock information to some structure like
lwLockCell structure I've used in my patch? Something like hash


> Greetings,
> Andres Freund
> --
>  Andres Freund
>  PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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[HACKERS] Dynamic LWLock tracing via pg_stat_lwlock (proof of concept)

2014-10-01 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
s, WALWriteLock looks more useful
than just 8)? To get it from tranche as T_NAME(lock) at the same time
as lwLockId seems to be not a nice idea, especially to put the name
into procarray to pull it. It spoils whole idea. Any advice?

4. Going through procarray to get pairs pid, lwlockid I do
LWLockAcquire(ProcArrayLock, LW_SHARED); I am not quite sure is a good
idea, because of its performance impact. Probably such a
histogram-style thing does not need strong consistency and
ProcArrayLock is not needed?

So, any thoughts, should I proceed implementing this feature?

Best regards,

PS I am thankful to Simon Riggs and Bruce Momjian for discussing this
idea with me on PGCon, and especially to Simon who gave me a brief but
pretty useful tutorial how LWLock-related code lives in Postgres. Also
I am thankful to Heikki Linnakangas and Magnus Hagander for answering
some of my stupid questions about procarray internals.

Ilya Kosmodemiansky,
tel. +14084142500
cell. +4915144336040

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2012-01-16 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
That is quite useful feature to implement smth. like message queues
based on database and so on.
Now there is possibility to jump over luck of such feature in Postgres
using current advisory lock implementation (pg_try_advisory_xact_lock
to determine if somebody already acquired log on particular row).
So Im not sure this is an urgent matter.

Best regards,

On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 6:33 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> It sounds to me like "silently give the wrong answers".  Are you sure
> there are not better, more deterministic ways to solve your problem?
> (Or in other words: the fact that Oracle has it isn't enough to persuade
> me it's a good idea.)
>                        regards, tom lane
> --
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Re: [HACKERS] Postgres 9.1 - Release Theme

2010-04-01 Thread Ilya Kosmodemiansky
Nice to hear and thumbs up! I've just start planning to migrate one of
my telco 3Tb database running blunt oracle to  coachDb but now of
course postgres looks better. Hopefully stupid transactions will be
abrogated to

wbr Ilya

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Dave Page  wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Thom Brown  wrote:
>> I prefer to dump all my data in a big text file and grep it for the
>> information I need.
> There's no need to start showing off and get all technical y'know.
> --
> Dave Page
> EnterpriseDB UK:
> --
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