Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place to post.
Not even sure if this is a bug or a feature :)

When I create a temp table and then try to copy some data into the
table, if the data is corrupt and the synchronization is lost - the
table also seems to get lost.

For example
create temp table words(aa varchar(254));
copy words from stdin;
some stuff
more stuff
corrupt line\tline\tline
and yet more stuff

(replace ''\t'' with the real tabs to break the synchronization)

after that,

select * from words;
ERROR:  Relation "words" does not exist

> Welcome to psql 7.3.4, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
> FreeBSD dev1.idftech.com 4.6-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE #2: Sun Jun  8 04:57:54 EDT 
> 2003

Konstantin Goudkov
IDF Technologies, LLC.

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