
we want use dblink to connect several databases in a client/server environment. 
Connection from local users to the remote databases should be possible only for 
privileged users. We tried a solution with dblink, embedding this command in a view, 
like this:

create view inst as select * from dblink('host=pollux port=5432 dbname=cob_int 
user=his_int password=#integration#', .....

This solution is insecure, because login and password is readable for everyone.

We tried to call dblink without username and login, but it fails,i.e.

 create view inst as select * from dblink('host=pollux port=5432 dbname=cob_int', .....

What we are searching for, is a solution which uses the current login information 
(user and password).

The second problem with dblink is a security hole. If you have a table without any 
grants for the current user, this user can create a view to circumvent the table 
privileges, i.e..

Current user is svawork (not a superuser!). Current database is sva4_int1. Table inst 
has privileges only for a user sva. If user svawork tried to read from inst it fails. 
This is ok. 
If svawork create a view like:

create view myinst as select * from dblink('dbname=sva4_int1','select .... from inst') 
as (.......);

The view connect not to a remote database. It uses the local database.
You can read the data from table inst without any restrictions! (Select * from myinst 
This problem could also be resolved, if dblink uses the current login information.

Any solutions welcome.


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