Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> While playing around with a preliminary version of the information schema
> I get a failure in the type_sanity regression test here:

> SELECT p1.oid, p1.typname
> FROM pg_type as p1
> WHERE p1.typtype in ('b','d') AND p1.typname NOT LIKE '\\_%' AND NOT
>     (SELECT 1 FROM pg_type as p2
>      WHERE p2.typname = ('_' || p1.typname)::name AND
>            p2.typelem = p1.oid);

For the moment I'd suggest backing off the regression test from
         p1.typtype in ('b','d')
         p1.typtype in ('b')
Probably eventually CREATE DOMAIN ought to create an associated array
type, but it's not really your problem if it doesn't ...

                        regards, tom lane

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