
Already sent this to psql-bugs, but noticed one more issue. Since the
first issue is critical for me as a developer, the second one confuses
my clients (and me a little) ;)

PostgreSQL version: 8.4.x
Operating system:   All

======  1 ISSUE =====

If RETURNS TABLE clause of CREATE FUNCTION contain column of character
type (without length specifier) it should be treated as character(1) according 
manual, but it look like text.


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_char_function()
  RETURNS TABLE(id int, salesourcecode character) AS
VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three');
  LANGUAGE 'sql'

pqfmod function from libpq library for salesourcecode column returns
0, which is wrong. Who can ever imagine bpchar of length 0? :)

======  2 ISSUE =====

If RETURNS TABLE clause of CREATE FUNCTION contain column of char or
varchar type with length specifier it still acts like text.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_char_function()
  RETURNS TABLE(id int, salesourcecode varchar(30)) AS
VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three');
  LANGUAGE 'sql';

pqfmod function from libpq library for salesourcecode column returns
0, which is wrong.

With best wishes,
 Pavel                          mailto:pa...@gf.microolap.com

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