I promised to research allowing parallel execution of schema
dump/restore, so I have developed the attached patch, with dramatic

        tables       git     patch
         1000       22.29    18.30
         2000       30.75    19.67
         4000       46.33    22.31
         8000       81.09    29.27
        16000      145.43    40.12
        32000      309.39    64.85
        64000      754.62   108.76

These performance results are best-case because it was run with the the
databases all the same size and equal to the number of server cores. 
(Test script attached.)

This uses fork/processes on Unix, and threads on Windows.  I need
someone to check my use of waitpid() on Unix, and I need code compile
and run testing on Windows.

It basically adds a --jobs option, like pg_restore uses, to run multiple
schema dumps/restores in parallel.   I patterned this after the
pg_restore pg_backup_archiver.c --jobs code.  However, I found the
pg_restore Windows code awkward because it puts everything in one struct
array that has gaps for dead children.  Because WaitForMultipleObjects()
requires an array of thread handles with no gaps, the pg_restore code
must make a temporary array for every call to WaitForMultipleObjects(). 

Instead, I created an array just for thread handles (rather than putting
it in the same struct), and swapped entries into dead child slots to
avoid gaps --- this allows the thread handle array to be passed directly
to WaitForMultipleObjects().  

Do people like this approach?  Should we do the same in pg_restore.  I
expect us to be doing more parallelism in other areas so I would like to
have an consistent approach.

The only other optimization I can think of is to do parallel file copy
per tablespace (in non-link mode).

  Bruce Momjian  <br...@momjian.us>        http://momjian.us
  EnterpriseDB                             http://enterprisedb.com

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +
diff --git a/contrib/pg_upgrade/Makefile b/contrib/pg_upgrade/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index dec57a6..bbb14a1
*** a/contrib/pg_upgrade/Makefile
--- b/contrib/pg_upgrade/Makefile
*************** PGAPPICON = win32
*** 5,11 ****
  PROGRAM  = pg_upgrade
  OBJS = check.o controldata.o dump.o exec.o file.o function.o info.o \
!        option.o page.o pg_upgrade.o relfilenode.o server.o \
         tablespace.o util.o version.o version_old_8_3.o $(WIN32RES)
  PG_CPPFLAGS  = -DFRONTEND -DDLSUFFIX=\"$(DLSUFFIX)\" -I$(srcdir) -I$(libpq_srcdir)
--- 5,11 ----
  PROGRAM  = pg_upgrade
  OBJS = check.o controldata.o dump.o exec.o file.o function.o info.o \
!        option.o page.o parallel.o pg_upgrade.o relfilenode.o server.o \
         tablespace.o util.o version.o version_old_8_3.o $(WIN32RES)
  PG_CPPFLAGS  = -DFRONTEND -DDLSUFFIX=\"$(DLSUFFIX)\" -I$(srcdir) -I$(libpq_srcdir)
diff --git a/contrib/pg_upgrade/dump.c b/contrib/pg_upgrade/dump.c
new file mode 100644
index f35852b..a4b0127
*** a/contrib/pg_upgrade/dump.c
--- b/contrib/pg_upgrade/dump.c
*************** generate_old_dump(void)
*** 33,50 ****
   	/* create per-db dump files */
  	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
! 		char 		file_name[MAXPGPATH];
  		DbInfo     *old_db = &old_cluster.dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
  		pg_log(PG_STATUS, "%s", old_db->db_name);
! 		snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), DB_DUMP_FILE_MASK, old_db->db_oid);
! 		exec_prog(RESTORE_LOG_FILE, NULL, true,
  				  "\"%s/pg_dump\" %s --schema-only --binary-upgrade --format=custom %s --file=\"%s\" \"%s\"",
  				  new_cluster.bindir, cluster_conn_opts(&old_cluster),
! 				  log_opts.verbose ? "--verbose" : "", file_name, old_db->db_name);
--- 33,55 ----
   	/* create per-db dump files */
  	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
! 		char 		sql_file_name[MAXPGPATH], log_file_name[MAXPGPATH];
  		DbInfo     *old_db = &old_cluster.dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
  		pg_log(PG_STATUS, "%s", old_db->db_name);
! 		snprintf(sql_file_name, sizeof(sql_file_name), DB_DUMP_FILE_MASK, old_db->db_oid);
! 		snprintf(log_file_name, sizeof(log_file_name), DB_DUMP_LOG_FILE_MASK, old_db->db_oid);
! 		parallel_exec_prog(log_file_name, NULL,
  				  "\"%s/pg_dump\" %s --schema-only --binary-upgrade --format=custom %s --file=\"%s\" \"%s\"",
  				  new_cluster.bindir, cluster_conn_opts(&old_cluster),
! 				  log_opts.verbose ? "--verbose" : "", sql_file_name, old_db->db_name);
+ 	/* reap all children */
+ 	while (reap_child(true) == true)
+ 		;
diff --git a/contrib/pg_upgrade/option.c b/contrib/pg_upgrade/option.c
new file mode 100644
index 19053fa..88686c5
*** a/contrib/pg_upgrade/option.c
--- b/contrib/pg_upgrade/option.c
*************** parseCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[])
*** 52,57 ****
--- 52,58 ----
  		{"check", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
  		{"link", no_argument, NULL, 'k'},
  		{"retain", no_argument, NULL, 'r'},
+ 		{"jobs", required_argument, NULL, 'j'},
  		{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
  		{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
*************** parseCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[])
*** 101,107 ****
  	if ((log_opts.internal = fopen_priv(INTERNAL_LOG_FILE, "a")) == NULL)
  		pg_log(PG_FATAL, "cannot write to log file %s\n", INTERNAL_LOG_FILE);
! 	while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:D:b:B:cko:O:p:P:ru:v",
  								 long_options, &optindex)) != -1)
  		switch (option)
--- 102,108 ----
  	if ((log_opts.internal = fopen_priv(INTERNAL_LOG_FILE, "a")) == NULL)
  		pg_log(PG_FATAL, "cannot write to log file %s\n", INTERNAL_LOG_FILE);
! 	while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:D:b:B:cj:ko:O:p:P:ru:v",
  								 long_options, &optindex)) != -1)
  		switch (option)
*************** parseCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[])
*** 128,133 ****
--- 129,138 ----
  				new_cluster.pgconfig = pg_strdup(optarg);
+ 			case 'j':
+ 				user_opts.jobs = atoi(optarg);
+ 				break;
  			case 'k':
  				user_opts.transfer_mode = TRANSFER_MODE_LINK;
*************** Options:\n\
*** 229,234 ****
--- 234,240 ----
    -c, --check                   check clusters only, don't change any data\n\
    -d, --old-datadir=OLDDATADIR  old cluster data directory\n\
    -D, --new-datadir=NEWDATADIR  new cluster data directory\n\
+   -j, --jobs                    number of simultaneous processes or threads to use\n\
    -k, --link                    link instead of copying files to new cluster\n\
    -o, --old-options=OPTIONS     old cluster options to pass to the server\n\
    -O, --new-options=OPTIONS     new cluster options to pass to the server\n\
diff --git a/contrib/pg_upgrade/parallel.c b/contrib/pg_upgrade/parallel.c
new file mode 100644
index ...092d64f
*** a/contrib/pg_upgrade/parallel.c
--- b/contrib/pg_upgrade/parallel.c
*** 0 ****
--- 1,217 ----
+ /*
+  *	parallel.c
+  *
+  *	multi-process support
+  *
+  *	Copyright (c) 2010-2012, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+  *	contrib/pg_upgrade/parallel.c
+  */
+ #include "postgres.h"
+ #include "pg_upgrade.h"
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/wait.h>
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ #include <io.h>
+ #endif
+ static int parallel_jobs;
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ /*
+  *	Array holding all active threads.  There can't be any gaps/zeros so
+  *	it can be passed to WaitForMultipleObjects().  We use two arrays
+  *	so the thread_handles array can be passed to WaitForMultipleObjects().
+  */
+ HANDLE *thread_handles;
+ typedef struct {
+ 	char log_file[MAXPGPATH];
+ 	char *opt_log_file[MAXPGPATH];
+ 	char *cmd[MAX_STRING];
+ } thread_arg;
+ thread_arg *thread_args;
+ DWORD win32_exec_prog(thread_arg *args);
+ #endif
+ /*
+  *	parallel_exec_prog
+  *
+  *	This has the same API as exec_prog, except it does parallel execution,
+  *	and therefore must throw errors and doesn't return an error status.
+  */
+ void
+ parallel_exec_prog(const char *log_file, const char *opt_log_file,
+ 				   const char *fmt,...)
+ {
+ 	va_list		args;
+ 	char		cmd[MAX_STRING];
+ #ifndef WIN32
+ 	pid_t		child;
+ #else
+ 	HANDLE		child;
+ 	thread_arg	*new_arg;
+ #endif
+ 	va_start(args, fmt);
+ 	vsnprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), fmt, args);
+ 	va_end(args);
+ 	if (user_opts.jobs <= 1)
+ 		/* throw_error must be true to allow jobs */
+ 		exec_prog(log_file, opt_log_file, true, "%s", cmd);
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		/* parallel */
+ 		/* harvest any dead children */
+ 		while (reap_child(false) == true)
+ 			;
+ 		/* must we wait for a dead child? */
+ 		if (parallel_jobs >= user_opts.jobs)
+ 			reap_child(true);
+ 		/* set this before we start the job */
+ 		parallel_jobs++;
+ 		/* Ensure stdio state is quiesced before forking */
+ 		fflush(NULL);
+ #ifndef WIN32
+ 		child = fork();
+ 		if (child == 0)
+ 			/* use _exit to skip atexit() functions */
+ 			_exit(!exec_prog(log_file, opt_log_file, true, "%s", cmd));
+ 		else if (child < 0)
+ 			/* fork failed */
+ 			pg_log(PG_FATAL, "could not create worker process: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ #else
+ 		if (active_threads == NULL)
+ 		{
+ 			int i;
+ 			thread_handles = pg_malloc(user_opts.jobs * sizeof(thread_handle));
+ 			thread_args = pg_malloc(user_opts.jobs * sizeof(thread_arg));
+ 			/*
+ 			 *	For safety and performance, we keep the args allocated during
+ 			 *	the entire life of the process, and we don't free the args
+ 			 *	in a thread different from the one that allocated it.
+ 			 */
+ 			for (i = 0; i < user_opts.jobs; i++)
+ 				thread_args[i] = pg_malloc(sizeof(thread_arg));
+ 		}
+ 		/* use first empty array element */
+ 		new_arg = thread_args[parallel_jobs-1];
+ 		/* Can only pass one pointer into the function, so use a struct */
+ 		strcpy(new_arg->log_file, log_file);
+ 		strcpy(new_arg->opt_log_file, opt_log_file);
+ 		strcpy(new_arg->cmd, cmd);
+ 		child = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, (void *) win32_exec_prog,
+ 						new_arg, 0, NULL);
+ 		if (child == 0)
+ 			pg_log(PG_FATAL, "could not create worker thread: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ 		thread_handles[parallel_jobs-1] = child;
+ #endif
+ 	}
+ 	return;
+ }
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ win32_exec_prog(thread_arg *args)
+ {
+ 	int ret;
+ 	ret = !exec_prog(args->log_file, args->opt_log_file, true, "%s", args->cmd);
+ 	/* terminates thread */
+ 	return ret;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /*
+  *	collect status from a completed worker child
+  */
+ bool
+ reap_child(bool wait_for_child)
+ {
+ 	int work_status;
+ 	int ret;
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ 	int				thread_num;
+ 	DWORD			res;
+ #endif
+ 	if (user_opts.jobs <= 1 || parallel_jobs == 0)
+ 		return false;
+ #ifndef WIN32
+ 	ret = waitpid(-1, &work_status, wait_for_child ? 0 : WNOHANG);
+ 	/* no children or, for WNOHANG, no dead children */
+ 	if (ret <= 0 || !WIFEXITED(work_status))
+ 		return false;
+ 	if (WEXITSTATUS(work_status) != 0)
+ 		pg_log(PG_FATAL, "child worker exited abnormally: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ #else
+ 	/* wait for one to finish */
+ 	thread_num = WaitForMultipleObjects(parallel_jobs, thread_handles,
+ 					false, wait_for_child ? INFINITE : 0);
+ 	if (thread_num == WAIT_TIMEOUT || thread_num == WAIT_FAILED)
+ 		return false;
+ 	/* compute thread index in active_threads */
+ 	thread_num -= WAIT_OBJECT_0;
+ 	/* get the result */
+ 	GetExitCodeThread(thread_handles[thread_num], &res);
+ 	if (res != 0)
+ 		pg_log(PG_FATAL, "child worker exited abnormally: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ 	/* dispose of handle to stop leaks */
+ 	CloseHandle(thread_handles[thread_num]);
+ 	/*	Move last slot into dead child's position */
+ 	if (thread_num != parallel_jobs - 1)
+ 	{
+ 		thread_arg *tmp_args;
+ 		thread_handles[thread_num] = thread_handles[parallel_jobs - 1];
+ 		/*
+ 		 *	We must swap the arg struct pointers because the thread we
+ 		 *	just moved is active, and we must make sure it is not
+ 		 *	reused by the next created thread.  Instead, the new thread
+ 		 *	will use the arg struct of the thread that just died.
+ 		 */
+ 		tmp_args = thread_args[thread_num];
+ 		thread_args[thread_num] = thread_args[parallel_jobs - 1];
+ 		thread_args[parallel_jobs - 1] = tmp_args;
+ 	}
+ #endif
+ 	/* do this after job has been removed */
+ 	parallel_jobs--;
+ 	return true;
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.c b/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.c
new file mode 100644
index 2d4b678..8fa64b7
*** a/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.c
--- b/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.c
*************** char	   *output_files[] = {
*** 61,67 ****
  	/* unique file for pg_ctl start */
--- 61,66 ----
*************** prepare_new_databases(void)
*** 270,276 ****
  	 * support functions in template1 but pg_dumpall creates database using
  	 * the template0 template.
! 	exec_prog(RESTORE_LOG_FILE, NULL, true,
  			  "\"%s/psql\" " EXEC_PSQL_ARGS " %s -f \"%s\"",
  			  new_cluster.bindir, cluster_conn_opts(&new_cluster),
--- 269,275 ----
  	 * support functions in template1 but pg_dumpall creates database using
  	 * the template0 template.
! 	exec_prog(UTILITY_LOG_FILE, NULL, true,
  			  "\"%s/psql\" " EXEC_PSQL_ARGS " %s -f \"%s\"",
  			  new_cluster.bindir, cluster_conn_opts(&new_cluster),
*************** create_new_objects(void)
*** 307,328 ****
  	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
! 		char file_name[MAXPGPATH];
  		DbInfo     *old_db = &old_cluster.dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
  		pg_log(PG_STATUS, "%s", old_db->db_name);
! 		snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), DB_DUMP_FILE_MASK, old_db->db_oid);
  		 *	Using pg_restore --single-transaction is faster than other
  		 *	methods, like --jobs.  pg_dump only produces its output at the
  		 *	end, so there is little parallelism using the pipe.
! 		exec_prog(RESTORE_LOG_FILE, NULL, true,
  				  "\"%s/pg_restore\" %s --exit-on-error --single-transaction --verbose --dbname \"%s\" \"%s\"",
  				  new_cluster.bindir, cluster_conn_opts(&new_cluster),
! 				  old_db->db_name, file_name);
--- 306,333 ----
  	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
! 		char sql_file_name[MAXPGPATH], log_file_name[MAXPGPATH];
  		DbInfo     *old_db = &old_cluster.dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
  		pg_log(PG_STATUS, "%s", old_db->db_name);
! 		snprintf(sql_file_name, sizeof(sql_file_name), DB_DUMP_FILE_MASK, old_db->db_oid);
! 		snprintf(log_file_name, sizeof(log_file_name), DB_DUMP_LOG_FILE_MASK, old_db->db_oid);
  		 *	Using pg_restore --single-transaction is faster than other
  		 *	methods, like --jobs.  pg_dump only produces its output at the
  		 *	end, so there is little parallelism using the pipe.
! 		parallel_exec_prog(log_file_name, NULL,
  				  "\"%s/pg_restore\" %s --exit-on-error --single-transaction --verbose --dbname \"%s\" \"%s\"",
  				  new_cluster.bindir, cluster_conn_opts(&new_cluster),
! 				  old_db->db_name, sql_file_name);
+ 	/* reap all children */
+ 	while (reap_child(true) == true)
+ 		;
*************** cleanup(void)
*** 494,504 ****
  		if (old_cluster.dbarr.dbs)
  			for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
! 				char file_name[MAXPGPATH];
  				DbInfo     *old_db = &old_cluster.dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
! 				snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), DB_DUMP_FILE_MASK, old_db->db_oid);
! 				unlink(file_name);
--- 499,512 ----
  		if (old_cluster.dbarr.dbs)
  			for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
! 				char sql_file_name[MAXPGPATH], log_file_name[MAXPGPATH];
  				DbInfo     *old_db = &old_cluster.dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
! 				snprintf(sql_file_name, sizeof(sql_file_name), DB_DUMP_FILE_MASK, old_db->db_oid);
! 				unlink(sql_file_name);
! 				snprintf(log_file_name, sizeof(log_file_name), DB_DUMP_FILE_MASK, old_db->db_oid);
! 				unlink(log_file_name);
diff --git a/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.h b/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.h
new file mode 100644
index cae1e46..81d9d51
*** a/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.h
--- b/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.h
*** 32,39 ****
  #define GLOBALS_DUMP_FILE	"pg_upgrade_dump_globals.sql"
  #define DB_DUMP_FILE_MASK	"pg_upgrade_dump_%u.custom"
  #define SERVER_LOG_FILE		"pg_upgrade_server.log"
- #define RESTORE_LOG_FILE	"pg_upgrade_restore.log"
  #define UTILITY_LOG_FILE	"pg_upgrade_utility.log"
  #define INTERNAL_LOG_FILE	"pg_upgrade_internal.log"
--- 32,39 ----
  #define GLOBALS_DUMP_FILE	"pg_upgrade_dump_globals.sql"
  #define DB_DUMP_FILE_MASK	"pg_upgrade_dump_%u.custom"
+ #define DB_DUMP_LOG_FILE_MASK	"pg_upgrade_dump_%u.log"
  #define SERVER_LOG_FILE		"pg_upgrade_server.log"
  #define UTILITY_LOG_FILE	"pg_upgrade_utility.log"
  #define INTERNAL_LOG_FILE	"pg_upgrade_internal.log"
*************** typedef struct
*** 264,269 ****
--- 264,270 ----
  	bool		check;			/* TRUE -> ask user for permission to make
  								 * changes */
  	transferMode transfer_mode; /* copy files or link them? */
+ 	int			jobs;
  } UserOpts;
*************** void		old_8_3_invalidate_hash_gin_indexe
*** 461,463 ****
--- 462,472 ----
  void old_8_3_invalidate_bpchar_pattern_ops_indexes(ClusterInfo *cluster,
  											  bool check_mode);
  char	   *old_8_3_create_sequence_script(ClusterInfo *cluster);
+ /* parallel.c */
+ void parallel_exec_prog(const char *log_file, const char *opt_log_file,
+ 		  const char *fmt,...)
+ __attribute__((format(PG_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE, 3, 4)));
+ bool reap_child(bool wait_for_child);
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/pgupgrade.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/pgupgrade.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 998cb2f..53781e4
*** a/doc/src/sgml/pgupgrade.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/pgupgrade.sgml
*** 113,118 ****
--- 113,125 ----
+       <term><option>-j</option></term>
+       <term><option>--jobs</option></term>
+       <listitem><para>number of simultaneous processes or threads to use
+       </para></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
        <listitem><para>use hard links instead of copying files to the new cluster</para></listitem>
*************** NET STOP pgsql-8.3  (<productname>Postgr
*** 331,340 ****
       requires that the old and new cluster data directories be in the
       same file system.  See <literal>pg_upgrade --help</> for a full
       list of options.
!    </para>
!    <para>
!    </para>
       For Windows users, you must be logged into an administrative account, and
--- 338,352 ----
       requires that the old and new cluster data directories be in the
       same file system.  See <literal>pg_upgrade --help</> for a full
       list of options.
!     </para>
!     <para>
!      The <option>--jobs</> option allows multiple CPU cores to be used
!      to dump and reload database schemas in parallel;  a good place to
!      start is the number of CPU cores on the server.  This option can
!      dramatically reduce the time to upgrade a multi-database server
!      running on a multiprocessor machine.
!     </para>
       For Windows users, you must be logged into an administrative account, and

. traprm

export QUIET=$((QUIET + 1))

> /rtmp/out


export PGOPTIONS="-c synchronous_commit=off"

for CYCLES in 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 32000 64000
        echo "$CYCLES" >> /rtmp/out
        for JOBLIMIT in 1 16
                cd /pgsql/$REL
                pgsw $BRANCH
                cd -
                tools/setup $REL $REL
                sleep 2
#               [ "$SSD" = "f" ] && tools/mv_to_archive
                # need for +16k
                for CONFIG in /u/pgsql.old/data/postgresql.conf 
                        pipe sed 's/#max_locks_per_transaction = 
64/max_locks_per_transaction = 64000/' "$CONFIG"
                        pipe sed 's/shared_buffers = 128MB/shared_buffers = 

                pgstart /u/pgsql.old/data
                sleep 2
                for DB in $(jot $JOBLIMIT)
                do      newdb test$DB
                        for JOT in $(jot $(( $CYCLES / $JOBLIMIT )) ); do echo 
                                PGOPTIONS="-c synchronous_commit=off" sql 
--single-transaction test$DB
                pgstop /u/pgsql.old/data
                sleep 2
                /usr/bin/time --output=/rtmp/out --append --format '%e' 
tools/upgrade -j $JOBLIMIT || exit 
                sleep 2

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