Has anyone come across this error before?

LOG:  PickSplit method of 2 columns of index 
'asset_position_lines_asset_cubespacetime_idx' doesn't support secondary split

This is a multi-column GiST index on an integer and a cube (a data type from 
the postgres cube extension module).

I traced the error to the gistUserPicksplit function in the gistsplit.c file 
... I surmise that this method is called whenever a page split is necessary.

So, I know when this error occurs, but I don't know why.

Thoughts anyone?

Kevin Neufeld
Software Developer
Refractions Research Inc.
300-1207 Douglas St.
Victoria, B.C., V8W 2E7

Phone: (250) 383-3022

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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