The error message says all. You are trying to insert a character which
is not a UTF-8. Probably you are inputting UCS-2?
Tatsuo Ishii

From: "Atahualpa Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Postgresql, unicode and umlauts
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 20:17:15 +0100
Message-ID: <000d01c2b1ca$67838d60$1501000a@DonAndre>

> Dear Sir,
> I have also submitted following (in slightly different manner to the
> postgresql newsgroup comp.databases.postgresql.general on
> The posting there is of 31.12.2002 02:02 and is titled
> "Postgresql 7.2.1 and umlauts".
> So far I have received no reply and since I saw that you are the person that
> did the coding for my problem, I write directly to you:
> I have a Linux Box running Postgresql 7.2.1 and php 4.2.1+apache-ssl
> 1.3.26+1.48.
> I have set up a small php form that inserts something in a postgres database
> called "test" in a table called "guestbook".
> Client and Database Encoding is set to UNICODE, but whenever a user submits
> an umlaut character (for example: ö,ä,ü or sharp-s (ß)) then I get an error
> message that it is an invalid unicode character sequence:
> Warning: PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: Invalid UNICODE character sequence
> found (0xe40000) in /var/www/dc+da/ on line 63
> (thats the error message for umlaut-a)
> In the Warning message for umlaut-o there is also a spelling mistake:
> Warning: PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: Unicode >= 0x10000 is not supoorted
> in /var/www/dc+da/ on line 63
> (note supoorted instead of supported)
> I have tried to change the encoding with php by setting pg_setclientencoding
> or using mp_convert_encoding, but it did not work. Either the error message
> came up, or there were strange or no characters written into the database.
> How is it possible to write umlaut characters into a postgresql database?
> A friend of mine running postgresql 7.2.2 on FreeBSD also tried and failed
> too. He tried not only with php but with perl aswell.
> Here is the list of databases:
> psql -l
>         List of databases
>    Name    |  Owner   | Encoding
> -----------+----------+----------
>  template0 | postgres | UNICODE
>  template1 | postgres | UNICODE
>  test      | ata      | UNICODE
> (3 rows)
> Here is the the SQL statement that creates the table:
> CREATE TABLE guestbook (
> email TEXT,
> title TEXT NOT NULL,
> message TEXT NOT NULL,
> posted TIMESTAMP DEFAULT 'now'
> );
> Here is postgresql version information:
> psql -V
> psql (PostgreSQL) 7.2.1
> contains support for: readline, history, multibyte
> Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
> Portions Copyright (c) 1996, Regents of the University of California
> Read the file COPYRIGHT or use the command \copyright to see the
> usage and distribution terms.
> the "problematic" line 63 of my php script looks as following:
> $result = pg_exec($database,"INSERT INTO guestbook ...");
> The script works if you do not put in any umlaut characters.
> Sincerely,
> Ata

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