Following a suggestion by Tom Lane, I have written some code that will reject reports from members running very old script versions. In a week I intend to turn it on and require script version 1.45 as a minimum. That version is 18 months old. 1 month later I propose to set that to 1.68, which is now 7 months old.

The following members are going to be affected:

kingfisher | 'script_version' => '1.17'
otter      | 'script_version' => '1.17'
hare       | 'script_version' => '1.45'
thrush     | 'script_version' => '1.45'
bear       | 'script_version' => '1.57'
grebe      | 'script_version' => '1.62'
kite       | 'script_version' => '1.62'
stoat      | 'script_version' => '1.62'
yak        | 'script_version' => '1.62'



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