Hello Hackers,

I had some performance problems with a plpgsql function I developped,
because the function is very costly (it involves querying tables) and the
query optimiser assumed basically that it was an inexpensive function.

I found a workaround, but the problem may worth being adressed:

Instead of doing:

  filter costly_function(attribute of table1)
    on join (table1, table2)

It did:

  join(filter costly_function(attribute of table1) on table1,

This was a very bad idea, because table1 is much larger than join(table1,
table2) as some other low cost filtering conditions are available.


 - how to tell the optimiser about the cost of an individual function
   (I think that very costly would be enough).

I haven't found a clue about the issue in the documentation.
Maybe an additional field would be added to pg_proc and or pg_operator
is needed?

Have a nice day,

Fabien Coelho - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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