>>  Which is good.  But I've got big trouble to login to this initial db by
>> using this auto-created username "postgres" through pgAdmin:(((  The first
>>try failed due to "Ident authentication failed", so I follow the suggestion
>>on the pop-up window of pgAdmin3, and changed the ident method in the
>> pg_hba.conf file all to md5 to try again, but the database now ask me for
>> the password!! which I couldn't figure out the passwd so I tried to created
>> rules in the pg_ident.conf file to map both the ordinary user and root user
>> od Debian system to postgres, and tried again.  But still failed,:(((
>> "ident authentication failed"again!!!:(((  I've tried many times for all I
>> could think and failed everytime failed:(((  By the way each time before I
>> try, I did "pg_ctl reload", and I could see the failure reason changed after
>> I do reload.
>You could try to change the ident method to trust (in pg_hba.conf). This
>should allow you to login.
>Then, set the password of the postgres user (alter user postgres with password
>'blabla1212' ; ).  Then you could change the ident method back to md5 .
>Adrian Maier
Hi Adrian and All,
I've got trouble again!:(( I changed the possword of postgres yesterday 
following the inst you gave, everything worked fine after the change, and I was 
able to login to the initial db through pgAdmin3 as the user postgres. I loged 
out of the Debian system until after 1am this very morning, and everything was 
fine at that time.
But when I tried to login again to day today right now, I got problem.  The 
Debian system started booting, everything goes fine until at the moment to 
start the postgresql server.  The booting msg shows "Starting postgreSQL 8.1 
database server: main", and then hung forever and not move anymore.  I have to 
turn off the computer power to stop it!  I tried to loged in via the Recovery 
mode and was able to login as root, but I don't know what to do about the 
PostgreSQL and whatever related system booting process at the command line 
So is there anything has been wrong with what I did yesterday? Does the 
password change of user postgres has some impact on the Debian system booting?  
Please help me out of this.  The PostgreSQl 8.1 just installed, not in use at 
all, all has been done on it was the change of the password of user postgres, 
in order to login to the initial db through pgAdmin3.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!  Thank you in advance!!!

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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